Well…what they said: Not good! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

(Tayba Compo) This place which was surrounded by greenery on all sides and which became dry because of the Mongols who destroyed its greenery and arid lands, Tayba Compo was slandered by those who wandered in the hotels of different capitals, the drunkards, and who said. that ethnic cleansing had taken place there. I was there yesterday. This is not the opinion of anyone who heard it, I saw masses lined up joining the armed forces around the perimeter of the village, chanting: “One people, one army”. there was no record of this incident. The lie spread in the media

The citizens mentioned stories and accounts that could write an entire book exposing the acts of the militias in mistreating, beating and humiliating the village residents and forcing a number of them to flee, under the pretext that they were part of leftovers. who were spared from knocks and slaps on the back. They talk about this painful situation, we feel the sincerity of their words and we feel to what extent they experienced great suffering when these bastards were among them.

These people spoke honestly about the great difference they were in before, and when the armed forces came to liberate them, they were languishing in unbearable hell, in fear and torture, and now they are in the armed forces, enjoying of this right to life which is theirs. The conduct of the armed forces was dazzlingly white. They did not kill, they did not steal, they did not pillage and they did not destroy. One woman I spoke with told me that since the militia entered their village, she, her husband and children had not slept well. Pleasant to the eye, because every time they wait for these people to enter their homes, they only find sleep… After dissolving them, she pointed to the heroes of the armed forces who were inside. interior of the kambo.

Good composition, gentlemen. From the inside I send a message to those who base their information on hearing and always want to hunt in bad weather and create conflicts and look for a new recipe whose meat is stale and smells of their stench, that the armed The Armed forces have created tribal and ethnic conflicts in these regions. Reality tells us that this lie does not completely exist. I saw with my own eyes a woman carrying her luggage and crops, wanting to cross a high and mountainous place on a carousel. How did she get through? She saw a group of heroes from the armed forces in Arnkaz near her. They helped her cross while fleeing. This shows that the armed forces of this region, which are gentle with its inhabitants, have not only worked for. provide assurance, but they also realized the slogan these people chanted as they entered their homes, because they were loyal and liberating. They made it as a statement of their work.

The other message we say to the miserable politicians is that the citizen has become completely convinced that he can only be safe and reassured if the armed forces are on his side, and that he will not be tortured, frightened and won't expect to be killed when these thugs are around. them or entered it. This is a fact recognized by the whole world. Another message I say is that as long as the armed forces are present, they will not and will not allow… Any tribal or ethnic chaos is happening, and if it happens, will be immediately eradicated by law

From my platform I look… where I see… that if you want the naked truth and you want to reflect it in a real and honest way, you must reach the place of the event, see with your own eyes and reflect the truth and not become a vehicle for the rampant lies that are unleashed and which did not happen (your eyes are clear)! And you believe in the shamar that comes to you and add a lie to it with the aim of damaging the reputation of the citizens of this country and its armed forces in order to line your pockets with those who make you a stupid donkey, ride on you, give grab yourself a cane and let yourself wander in the great outdoors. They are not isolated donkeys, but rather master donkeys, but they consider themselves horses… When they want to neigh, they bray… and I mean you.

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