West Kordofan Health Insurance Overcomes War, Expands Services

The West Kordofan State Branch of the National Health Insurance Fund, with the support of the Fund's Presidency, has succeeded in expanding the service extension to citizens and restoring it in hospitals.

Citizens of West Kordofan State have praised the services provided by health insurance in light of the current circumstances.

Citizen Mudathir Nour Al-Sham said that Al-Nuhud Health Insurance provides the service through six specialists, in addition to the return of the insurance service to Al-Nuhud University and Reference Hospitals, especially surgical operations and cesarean sections.

Nour al-Sham complained about the lack of medicines and demanded that the health insurance make more efforts to provide medicines.

In addition, citizen Hassan Abdullah Hassan described the services provided by Al Nahud Health Insurance Center as excellent.

In a related context, citizen Hamouda Al-Zein celebrated the continuation of health insurance in the camps and free treatment days for citizens and displaced persons.

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