West Kordofan Health Insurance Prepares to Set Up Treatment Camps for Displaced People

The Director of the National Health Insurance Fund branch in West Kordofan State, Dr. Muhammad Hamid Abu Farda, announced the Fund's intention to set up camps and treatment days for displaced persons in the state.

said Dr. Abu Farda, in a meeting with the Director General of the Ministry of Health in West Kordofan State, Dr. Atef Ibrahim Abu Anja, said that the camps and treatment days that the branch intends to implement in Al-Nahud target the displaced and war victims. affected people coming from the localities of Babanusa, Al-Meiram, Abu Zaid, Al-Adiya and some of the displaced to the state coming from South, East and North Darfur.

The Director of the National Health Insurance Fund branch in West Kordofan State confirmed that the coming period will be marked by intensifying efforts and coordination arrangements with partners, especially the state Ministry of Health, as it is the largest partner in combating epidemic diseases, malaria and autumn diseases.

In turn, the Director General of the Ministry of Health in West Kordofan State, Dr. Abu Anja, praised the ministry's partnership with the state branch of the National Health Insurance Fund.

He said the meeting discussed arrangements for setting up fifteen treatment camps and a free day for displaced persons and expatriates.

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