What a failed attempt to assassinate the evidence, connotations and meanings ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Rida

This morning, the Sudanese Armed Forces issued a statement regarding the failure of two combat marches during the graduation ceremony of war students at the Infantry Institute in Habit city, Red Sea State.

The statement did not accuse any specific party of being behind the incident, thus opening the door to all the expected possibilities.

US officials requested to meet Al-Burhan at Port Sudan airport under the pretext that the Red Sea state is not safe and that this incident coincided with today's event, giving the matter an international dimension and perhaps pointing the finger at the fault of external hands standing behind the incident.

This incident is a clear message to Al-Adha that it should reverse its decision to leave the Western camp led by Washington and join the Eastern camp led by Moscow.

Although the ground blocks had a decisive effect on the marches, there were five martyrs and others injured, according to a statement issued today by the Sudanese Armed Forces following the incident.

The incident is aimed at putting more pressure on the Sudanese army to join negotiations in mid-August in the Swiss capital, Geneva, without preconditions, including adherence to the Jeddah agreement between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces militia.

Neither the place nor the time is an obstacle to the start of negotiations, but the position of the Sudanese army is firm: it is not opposed to negotiations in principle, but it still firmly adheres to the results of the Jeddah agreement regarding the withdrawal of the rapid armed forces. Support the militias from the homes of citizens and government institutions.

The failed assassination attempt on the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, opens the door to all possible scenarios.

This failed attempt is not and will not go unnoticed, and it will have consequences. It will cast a negative shadow at the local, regional and international levels, which could lead to radical changes in the way the Sudanese file is handled.

The aim of this failed attempt to assassinate Al-Burhan is to occupy public opinion and divert attention from the great victories won by the Sudanese army on the battlefield.

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