What are the references of the vision of reconstruction of the post-war health system… the German experience as a model (2)…?! – #The_Autre_Dimension – ✍️ Musaab Brier

» In the previous article, we explained the foundations of the German health system since World War II, because this is the experience that the Federal Ministry of Health announced to rely on to rebuild the Sudanese health system after the war, and even brought in one of the German consulting companies to contribute to it through the five axes designated by the Undersecretary of the Federal Ministry in charge, after his announced meeting with them. Let me here thank all those who followed and interacted with the previous article in this series, and we will try to answer most of the questions from our dear followers in these episodes, which started with the German health insurance system, both governmental and private.

» In Germany, there are now about (100) health insurance funds. These companies are divided into public and private companies. There are a few simple differences between them that are beyond the scope of this article. Every month, the health insurance fund collects money from each of them. person in Germany a certain amount representing The value of their monthly health insurance.. The company's task is to organize the collection of these sums according to the financial situation and the family and social situation of each person.. Do I mean by this that health insurance costs are not fixed? completely! The costs are directly linked to the citizen's income so that they are fair.

» Thus, a person with a modest income pays a small contribution to the health insurance fund, perhaps less than 100 euros per month, while a person with a high income pays contributions proportional to their income, which could for example reach 500 euros. per month or more.

» Health insurance costs today represent about 14.6% of the monthly salary (more or less depending on many factors)… Let's say you work as a doctor in a hospital with a total salary of 5,000 euros per month. In this case, the monthly health insurance premium is 5,000 x 0.146 = 730 euros.

» German law says that if you are an employee, half of this amount is paid by the employer and the other half is paid by the employee, that is to say in this case you will lose 365 euros of your salary (half of the insurance value). ) to the health insurance fund. As for the 365 euros, the remaining amount is paid by the hospital to the health insurance fund and you have nothing to do with it.

» Thus, the healthcare system in Germany depends on something akin to social solidarity. People who earn a lot of money support the health insurance fund more and thus indirectly contribute to the treatment of low-income people who have paid small amounts to the health insurance, or even patients who have no income, such as as children, retirees and the unemployed.

“I must emphasize that the health insurance system is not a savings fund: when a person becomes ill, they do not receive the value of what they previously paid, but the treatment costs are covered regardless of their value and what she previously paid. .. The health insurance fund looks more like a public piggy bank to which everyone contributes. This is why insurance companies constantly receive support from the state, due to the high costs of health services that people's contributions are not enough to fully cover.

After the last one:

In summary, the comprehensive German health insurance system is very similar to the Sudanese health insurance system before it started providing the service. Instead of focusing on its legal mission by purchasing the service only, some of the people involved have raised the fact that. the individual's income during and after the war would be low to cover the subscription to health insurance, so it is said that even in German health insurance, it is taken care of by the state in case of disability, but it is ultimately considered the sole financier. of health services in Germany and here is the difference. Finally, the restructuring of Sudanese health insurance is today more than ever an imperative necessity to eliminate the fatal distortions that have plagued and paralyzed it. It has completely ceased to play its role and has become a necessity. like a parallel Ministry of Health that provides miserable services to the insured, most of whom are asking for it. They have now boycotted it if it exists … and we continue..

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, do not impose on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear you for us and do not have pity on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Saturday (June 29, 2024 AD)

(email protected)

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