What did Gabriel say yesterday?! ✍️Bakri Al Madani See More

*Al Jazeera broadcaster Ahmed Taha always intended to expose his Sudanese guests for the sake of excitement, but Dr. Jibril put an end to Ahmed Taha's agenda!!*

*Gabriel appeared yesterday in the Al Jazeera interview for every question as he deserved, and it was his destiny!!*

*Gabriel was a statesman and a responsible man, and he said: “We are in favor of negotiations, why not?”! But we are asking to negotiate directly with the United Arab Emirates!!*

*Jibril al-Siyasi said: We are negotiating directly with the UAE to find out why they are killing the Sudanese/checkmate!!*

*Gabriel Al-Asl – Thaer – said that if the UAE insists on spending its money to support the militia, we will defeat the militia and the UAE together!!*

*Gabriel Al-Thaer also said that America supports the militias through its weapons that go to the Emirates – until when will we bury our heads in the sand?!*

*Gabriel the Rebel also said: Accept any mission, and if I was tasked with carrying a weapon, I would go into the field, and we who know Gabriel say that he accepts!!*

*He accepts because we were among those who stayed up until midnight that day in Khartoum to discourage him from accepting the mission of financial holocaust, but he responded to the mission of the commander – End -* !!

*Revolutionary Gabriel, after the Juba Agreement, before enjoying peace, before the formation of the government and when the Fashqa Front exploded, he put on the Kadmul, joined the army in the east and put all the capacities of the Justice and Equality Movement in a position of liberation!*

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