What does our victory mean… in the battle for dignity… ✍️ Dr Abbas Taha Sobeir See More

If we continue to persevere until victory in the battle of dignity, eradicate the cancer of rapid support and defeat the global conspiracy against Sudan and its people, we hope for the following achievements…

First… the complete destruction and complete elimination of all traitors and agents in the country and abroad, thus alienating the colonial powers represented by the triple axis of evil, which includes America, France, Britain and others who are the most important shovels for their demolition, the Ruwaibidahs and Karazayats of our people who, since independence, and with their parties, have been agents of demolition, backwardness and an overwhelming obstacle between the Sudanese people and entering the field of sustainable development by exploiting their wealth and wealth. various resources to achieve prosperity, development and position themselves in an advanced position among the great nations…

Secondly… the complete elimination and exclusion of the word rebellion from our political and military dictionary because of these painful and devastating blows to the terrorist rebellion of the Al-Dagalo family and its tribal and political incubators represented by shameless and progressive parties led by the traitor to his religion, his country and his people, Abdul Dirham and the Hamdok dollar and their sponsors in the state of Hebrew conspiracies and the evil trio represented by America, France and others…

Third…. To deter the evil trio represented by America, France and Britain, as well as their leaders and agents among the leaders of neighboring countries, especially Chad, Ethiopia and others… To deter them from thinking again about a conspiracy against Sudan and its people, and thus cut and eradicate the roots of the tree of their ambitions to steal and plunder the capabilities and wealth of Sudan, and to absorb the lessons of the battle for Sudanese dignity, the most important of which is that the will of the people is not invincible, and its motto is the necessity of victory and reaching Sanaa, the truth, no matter how great the sacrifices and how many shortages of money, lives and fruits are multiplied, so that the good news of God remains… and it was right. for us to support the believers… the believers whose food remains firm are… those to whom the people said that the people have gathered for you. So they feared them, and that increased their faith, and they said: “God is sufficient for us, and He is the best arranger of affairs.” So they returned with God's grace and mercy, and no harm touched them, and they followed God's good pleasure, and God is of great generosity.

And the Sudanese people, when they offer all these sacrifices in dowry for Sudanese dignity, know well that their literature says… He who desires and loves a beautiful and worthy woman will not be deprived of the dowry, that is, the dowry will not be too much for her, no matter how tall or small she is….

Fourth… One of the blessings of victory in the Battle of Karama will be the ability of the Sudanese people and all the heroes of the Battle of Karama to impose their respect, prestige and the prestige of their sovereignty on their entire territory and on the international community and its criminal organizations such as the United Nations and its unjust Security Council, and denounce their double standards through the veto stick held by five countries. Just to unleash it on the human sheep and oppressed peoples in nearly two hundred countries on planet Earth…

And with the grace of God, and then with the firmness of the Sudanese people, and breaking the stick of double standards of the Security Council, or the madness of the 21st century, as I called it in a previous article. . By breaking this stick, the Sudanese people are laying and even imposing the foundations of a global justice, which has necessarily remained absent, to be replaced by the oppression of the weak by the powerful, the theft of their resources and their enslavement. after he has given birth to them, their mothers are free…

Fifthly… The victory of the Sudanese people against the global conspiracy against them will be a source of inspiration and motivation for the rest of the oppressed and downtrodden peoples and for all the free peoples of the world, especially in Africa, to begin the sacred march to gain their freedom and control the wealth and capabilities of their countries, which are still being stolen by the arrogant colonial countries led by the evil global triumvirate they rule, America, France and Britain, through the puppets and servants of the leaders of these countries. these countries that were installed by these brutal aggressor countries to make it easy for them to steal the wealth of these countries in exchange for remaining in power and giving them crumbs of the wealth of their countries in exchange for the oppression, slavery and subjugation of their people and giving them crumbs of the wealth of their countries….

Sixth…. Victory in the battle for dignity means a full commitment to establishing a state of freedom, peace and justice that is a practical reality felt by the Sudanese people in all aspects of life, and not empty slogans in the style that was and continues to be repeated by the traitors of the shameless parties and progress led by the criminal Abdel Dirham and the dollar Hamdok, the traitor to his religion and his people and all those murderous criminals who participate, in fact, in the Rapid Support. all his crimes will not escape the sword of justice in the battle for dignity, and they and their groups will be buried in a cemetery withered by history, without washing, wrapping or praying for the dead.

With the help of God, the honorable people of the Karama battle will be active in sincere and diligent work in the various fields of the Karama battle: construction, law, justice, justice, economy, development, politics, security, defense and others. necessary conditions for the renaissance and sustainable development to establish the State of Greater Sudan, with the permission, help and success of God, who has resources, wealth and elements that are not found in the majority of countries in the world … with the hope that all. this will be accomplished during the ten-year period of national construction, during which there will be full sovereignty and executive cadres for the People's Armed Forces, with the full coordination of a council of experts and jurists of fifty members representing all states of all. specializations, practitioners and visionaries of the Sudanese people who hold passports, as I explained in detail in the post-war prescription for the treatment of Sudanese diseases… so that our parties devote our efforts to building their parties during the ten-year period on the basis of a strict and well-drafted party law that ensures that these parties are built on solid democratic foundations, far from the sanctity and commercialization of religion, and safe from infiltration and foreign workers through the embassies of these criminal countries that have obtained a patent for the art of creating agents and buying debts… With these controls, we guarantee the emergence of national parties that favor a peaceful transfer of power on the basis of competing programs, and not of brilliance, pretension, and sanctity…

For more details, readers can refer to my articles published under the titles… A post-war prescription for treating Sudanese diseases…. Proposals to the governor of Gedaref State regarding the sustainable development of the state… An unconventional feasibility study for the production of cow milk… Abbasid memes to achieve the highest milk production Al-Sa'ia… The wolf only eats the distant sheep… My story about the success of productive housing to combat poverty and achieve prosperity… Our celebrations, our sorrows and other articles that focus on how to establish a state of freedom, peace and justice as a reality, not a slogan, as the shameless and traitorous parties say towards their religion, country and people.

Anyone who would like to obtain free electronic copies of these articles, please write to me privately, provided that you undertake to publish them widely inside and outside Sudan, so that the benefits will be widely spread and decision-makers will benefit from them after the war is over…

Dr. Abbas Taha Sobeir

University of Khartoum

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