What happens at army entrances, exits and bases is a military matter – White Nile Crocodiles – ✍️ Mawahib Baqadi

Let those who support the rebellion by word and pen and who want to provoke conflicts and sow doubt on the armed forces know that the armed forces are the protectors of the homeland and the Sudanese citizen.

It goes without saying to prevent the entry of any weapon without papers or documents, and without knowing the people carrying weapons. These are mandatory procedures, especially when the country is in a state of war. This is the turn of the weak. -who intends to complain about the 18th Infantry Division, which prevents the entry of weapons to the population of Wad Al-Noura, while it is they who established popular resistance and encouraged it ? but owning a gun has to go through the authorities, you know?

Who is the real enemy? He is the one who doubts the armed forces. He doubts every action or behavior emitted by members of the armed forces at this time and the country is going through this dangerous turning point.

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