What is behind the phenomenon of vandalism of houses under gunpoint in the southwest of the city of El Obeid? {2} ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

In reference to the previous article regarding the armed looting of zinc and roofs of houses, through which we called on the competent authorities to activate the role of security patrol and combat looted trade by intensifying control over the markets where the marketing of stolen goods takes place. active, such as the {8} Peace Market and the importance of the popular Friday market and peripheral markets, and for the second week of the The phenomenon of arson was repeated, this time affecting one of the Islamic complexes of Al-Jihad neighborhood (4), which was looted under the protection of an intense fire, which sowed terror among the population, pushing many families to leave the neighborhood after it began to settle and return voluntarily from the shelters.

Citizens of the southwest neighborhoods renew their call to the competent authorities to confront these phenomena in order to protect lives and property, either through security patrols or by activating the role of popular resistance to defend land and honor.

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