What is the position of the Sudan Liberation Army Movement – ​​the Transitional Council – on the political situation? What can the movement offer the Sudanese?

In the name of God and praise be to God. In the name of peace, freedom, justice and democracy. First, we pity all the martyrs of the Battle of Karama. We salute all the fighters of the armed forces. security forces, joint forces and mobilized people. We salute our people who are steadfast and who have endured all the hardships of war, including displacement and suffering, and who lost their lives and property.

We express our position on the political situation. We are partners in the National Democratic and Coordination Bloc, and our vision is that after the end of the war, we move towards a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue that brings together all colors of the political spectrum without any extremism, exception of the traitors and despicable agents who sold the blood of the Sudanese people at low prices, and to hide the presence of the militias in the political and military scene, and to form a civil government of the two nations and the formation of a unified government. the national army according to the instructions of the leader of the movement, Commander Salah Adam Rasas.

As for us, as the Sudan Liberation Army Movement, Transitional Council (T_C), we represent the movement in Nile State. We participate with the state government in all groups supporting the armed forces. the State sent to Khartoum State, as well as to the leadership of the Third Division, Shendi and the Artillery, and we also participate with all components of society in the State, from mayors to sheikhs and to citizens, we participated in helping those affected by the state. in fall 2024, and we will continue to help with whatever financial support we can, logistical support, and family members. Social media linking platforms, organizations and groups support the people of the state regardless of whether they are from Darfur, Kordofan, Blue Nile, East, North or Central, and we stand alongside all the Sudanese who knock on our door. .

How do you assess the performance of the joint forces since they lined up to fight alongside the army, do you think they made a difference in the army's recent victories?

_Unify efforts and adhere to the national cause and unite the joint forces, the Mustafarin, the Baraun, the police, the security apparatus and the people of Sudan behind the people's armed forces. This membership brought victories, uniting the two. nations to defend the Sudanese state against brutal aggression, to liberate every inch of Sudanese territory from the desecration of rebel forces, Janjaweed militias and all those who conspire and think of invading Sudan in order to recognize their courage and bravery. of the Sudanese people and the sacrifice of their blood for the sovereignty and dignity of the Sudanese people and leaders.

The Rapid Support Forces neglected the joint force and the army to withdraw from El Fasher. Is this a sign of the fall of El Fasher?

_ El-Fasher, God willing and with God's help, he will not fall. The whole world recognized the young people and women of El-Fasher and all the armed struggle movements. They fight fiercely, every day. bring victories and destruction to thousands of mercenaries and thugs. The terrorist Al-Dagalo has mobilized and their help comes from countries that have supported the militia for two years. This militia attacked with forces in the thousands, and now it has. The failure of more than 171 attacks on the city and the best militia leaders were destroyed in the Al-Fasher axis, all in paradise. Zodiac sign.

As for the deadline set by the militias because they do not recognize their defeat, all this comes from their fake media platforms, misleading public opinion and summarizing the victories of the army, the joint forces, Mustafarin, Mirim al -Fasher and the Kanadat al-Fasher, but this is considered far-fetched, the militia has exhausted all its strike forces and is now trying to fabricate false victories to supply the state evil doesn't stop.

If El Fasher falls, in your opinion, will the Rapid Support Forces form a government in the region and pave the way for secession?

_This militia is a failure on all military and political levels. It is attempting to destroy the region to satisfy its regional subjects, the UAE, the Evil State and their civilian allies. except what remains of the militia, but it will not be able to bring down El Fasher, nor control all of Darfur, nor form a government if he could have formed a government, he would have formed it as soon as they entered the State of Gezira, but they are like empty sheets of paper, louder and their war was more a media war than reality.

Accusations against leaders who “advanced” their participation in a meeting in Kenya with rapid support for the formation of a parallel government. What do you think of this file?

– In my opinion, this government was dead before it was born, and they are still in conflict within the Civil Force (Progress) to form a new parallel government in the areas controlled by the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia, because they do not do not have any popular support, and this militia does not know the pact and the pact and can turn against the force at any time. Civil society and civil energy companies participating in these meetings have ended their political presence in Sudan.

Many victories for the joint forces in the desert axis and despair in El Fasher. Will joint forces end rapid support for Sudan?

_We congratulate all the Sudanese people for these victories won by the armed forces, joint forces and mobilized people in the desert axis, the region of Zarqa and Malha. This is a commitment we have made with the leadership of the armed forces and the people of Sudan. We will fight with all the forces at our disposal until we liberate every inch of our country and cleanse it of the filth of traitors and trembling agents and the end of all rebels in the state and Sudan is freed from the Janjaweed thugs.

Therefore, on this blessed day and the smallest Muslim holiday of Friday, I congratulate all the Sudanese people and their leaders for the great victories that made happy all the inhabitants of the El Fasher axis, which received an attack morning of five axes. The attack was carried out with great professionalism and the enemy also suffered heavy losses in lives and materials. Al-Jili Axis, Khartoum The militia was defeated and expelled from Al-Masfi. The great epic is the meeting of the army of Omdurman. a naval army and the lifting of the siege by the general command of the army. This is considered… The great victory is the end of the ambitions of the Kingdom of Dagalo and the State of Al-Attawa, as they claim, and a distant defeat for the evil state and all countries that support the rebellion and return devastation and destruction to infrastructure. and the economy and the displacement of citizens from their homes.

My message to displaced citizens and refugees in neighboring countries is to prepare to return to their homes strengthened and honored and to prepare to build and rebuild what has been destroyed by war.

We ask God to grant our country, Sudan, security, safety and stability, to rid us of the affliction and to form a national civil government that will lead the country to security and rebuild what has was destroyed by the war. and hold free and fair elections and form a national army.

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