What is the truth about the assassination of a young man by members of the General Intelligence Service????? ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Social media sites reported with remarkable images the news of the assassination of the young man, Al-Amin Mohamed Nour, at the hands of members of the National Security and Intelligence Service (the former name) and the current General Intelligence Service.

It is customary for the General Intelligence Service to issue an explanatory statement in all cases that directly concern it and to explain the facts and abstract circumstances to the public in a clear and transparent manner, which is not the case at the time of writing.

The employees of the General Intelligence Service are neither angels nor infallible. They are human beings with good and bad in them, and they are not above the law.

When the device regained its powers, the powers that had been taken away from it before, we rejoiced and were optimistic about a new reality, and we turned the page on the past with all its flaws, shortcomings and negative aspects, but today we were surprised by this sad and painful event that turned back time, revived bitterness and healed old wounds.

I have remained one of the biggest supporters and supporters of the founding of the agency because of the great humanitarian roles it has played in bringing one achievement after another, especially its adoption and contribution to solving the problem of drinking water in the city of Port Sudan.

Yesterday, when the Director General of the General Intelligence Service, Lieutenant General Ahmed Ibrahim Mufaddal, honored our distinguished journalist colleague, Nabil Ghali, our joy was great and our joy was great.

When General Mufaddal gave his instructions to cancel the report in front of the distinguished journalist Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid, we had the good feeling that the management of the agency was dealing with a new strategy with the leaders of public opinion and those who held the pen.

The General Intelligence Service has the right to arrest, investigate and search. All these procedures are stipulated in the law, but it has absolutely no right to beat, torture or kill a citizen, no matter how serious his crime may be.

Our trust and respect for this national security institution remains in place and will continue to do so provided that it upholds the law and refrains from excessive use of force.

Our hatred towards the Rapid Support Militia for committing crimes of murder, theft, looting and terror against citizens, and we have continued to denounce its criminal behavior to local, regional and international public opinion, and we will follow this path, and we have not and will not be complacent about it.

It is the judicial platforms and courts that are the decisive factor in judging criminals, not the security services, with our respect and appreciation for their growing role.

I expect at any time that a satisfactory, full and sufficient statement will be issued by the General Intelligence Service to put the points on the letters, remove the confusion and ambiguity and prevent the lurkers, the agitators and those with hidden intentions who seek to distort the reputation of the agency and to present it to public opinion as a murderer, a criminal and a tyrant.

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