What is the truth about the war in Sudan ✍️Taha Haroun Hamed?

I witnessed the longest war in history, painful and complex in terms of the brutality of the fighting and the hate speech that accompanied it without regard for humanity or the most fundamental human right of which our Lord Almighty honored him, and to the murders in the sacred domain. months without regard for the sanctity of God and the emergence of a language foreign to the Sudanese people. These political conflicts are among the causes of nature for which Sudan has been known since ancient times and for the sake of permanent life. authority and a specific lifespan for humans; these conflicts lasted for decades, and the result was the displacement of thousands of inhabitants to neighboring countries and they became refugees and lost their housing, food and hospital, and others left for other countries. other states of Sudan. and were moved, leaving behind everything they had painstakingly collected. In such difficult circumstances, the search for truth seems to be one of the most important aspects. The war in Sudan is one of the longest civil wars in the world and is a complex issue involving violence, ethnic and religious conflicts and regional divisions. , and, on the other hand, economic collapse. The most important of these are the natural resources that distinguish Sudan: minerals, other animals, water and forest wealth.

In addition to horrific human rights violations and worst atrocities that cannot be forgiven. (Displacements, aerial and heavy artillery bombardments and serious damage) However, the search for truth remains central in trying to understand the causes of the conflict and find the means to achieve reconciliation and lasting peace. The rule of law, good governance and equality depend on it. about the research process

The truth in the war in Sudan depends on many aspects, including:

1. History of the conflict:

It is necessary to understand the historical events that led to the outbreak of the war and its escalation, such as tribal and regional conflicts, the abandonment of independence and political failure, as well as the political tensions that contain the historical, social and economic hatred, known to all. its capitalist aspects.

2. Dimensions of the conflict:

Explore the political, social, economic and cultural dimensions of the conflict in Sudan, and how these dimensions interconnected to shape the context of the war.

3. Effects of war:

Study the effects of war on civilians and society, including mass violations, population displacement and deterioration of living conditions.

4. Reconciliation and peace efforts:

To assess efforts towards reconciliation and peace in Sudan, and explore the obstacles to their achievement and how to overcome them.

5. The role of truth and justice:

Highlighting the role of truth and justice in the reconciliation process, and how revealing the facts can contribute to establishing peace and tolerance in society.

6. The importance of education and awareness:

Promote the importance of education and awareness of the history of conflicts, their causes and effects, and the role of each individual in achieving peace and stability.

Ultimately, uncovering the truth about the war in Sudan remains an ongoing challenge. Understanding the history, context and factors behind conflicts is essential to achieving lasting peace and stability, and when these (missing) efforts are supported by awareness raising, collective consciousness, the fight against emptiness intellectual and desertification, and education, they contribute to building a better world. and a more stable future for Sudan and its people, and reassurance, love and harmony prevail.

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