What's wrong with despair, confusion and suicide… And they wish themselves a mirage..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas

It is clear that the myths of the rest, of the jalaba, of the State (56) and of the marginalized, who represent the most important (the braying of the militias), no longer bring them any profit in their lost battle against the people and the army, so they decided to replace them with a new illusion called (the Stake), and none of these bastards bothered to know why. This is a “false case,” meaning it represents a form of “frustration and despair” within the militia or despair. is a new type of (Suicide) was invented to hide the bitterness of defeats and (the inability) to achieve victory on earth, or maybe these (monsters) committed their dirty crimes against civilians without defense, including murder, theft, rape and displacement (status) of militant actions based on the outputs of their mind (destruction). And emptied of all understanding… but in any case, this (myth) will disappear just like the previous (bubbles) which They bawled about before..!!*

*The problem with these criminal bastards, who “nest” devastation in their minds, is like a child (a foundling) who has no known father or mother, and their excessive chewing represents an expression (of despair and frustration ) after their (fighters). ) surrounded them under (painful) army strikes throughout the site. It was defiled by their polluted feet, and their (their corpses) were scattered there by hundreds and dozens, and their Thatchers and their weapons and personnel were transformed into… Piles of (ashes)… these mercenary rats will have no other (problem) than murder, pillage and sabotage, because they and those who helped and followed them deserved (extermination) without mercy. .. and neither (trading) with false flags, nor the (illusions) of a nihilistic cause, nor seeking the sympathy of foreign servants with hostility will benefit them. They call them leftovers..!!

* Let these bastards know that there is no reason for a criminal to be a criminal, because it is a big lie, and a (tendency) of demons and delusions to commit more crimes… The real main problem, O Arizkiya, is that of the (authentic) people of Sudan, who know and recognize (their homeland), and for whose good they fight you and work to (exterminate) you Because you are a phenomenon that does not deserves nothing else that (the annihilation) and the cleansing of. his good country because of (your impurity) and your (false) conduct. You have no cause, you bastards, and you will all go to your (black) destinies, and our people will remain (free and proud) on their land, ascending their homeland to glory, glory and peace… May the curse of God be upon you, oh bastards, and upon all those who helped you and agreed to be a “submissive tail” for you..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

The article was published What's wrong with despair, confusion and suicide… And they wish themselves a mirage..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas First on Zoll net.

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