When goals transcend, benefit prevails and deeds are blessed. Thank you, The White Refinery Workers Charity Organization ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam.

In adversity and adversity, there is a test and scrutiny, and situations speak of goals, and there is no school to test situations more than this wicked war. Just as it caused our disappointment in people we thought were good, it also revealed to us. others who work in silence and patience, people who do not like to appear in the media, but whose great deeds are talked about. They are members of the El-Obeid Refinery Workers Charity Organization, which, on behalf of. their service organization, carried out a number of interventions for the benefit of the citizens of this city and those who arrived there because of the war. Among the great and venerable works are the interventions in the health sector, especially the El-Obeid University Hospital and. the Al-Jomaih Dialysis Center, which was maintained and rehabilitated. The El-Obeid Refinery Workers' Charity Organization and the maintenance of the oxygen production unit at the Social Security Hospital have exceeded the standards in providing services and assistance and have also exceeded traditional thinking to contribute to saving patients in need of oxygen after the patience, suffering and loss of many of them, especially children, due to the lack of oxygen cylinders in hospitals.

Al-Daman Hospital is one of the medical monuments that have enabled a qualitative leap in providing medical services to the citizens of western Sudan.

Dr. Amal Khalil is one of the young executives. She has distinguished experience and a clear footprint in the management of health institutions. Certainly, maintaining the oxygen production unit at Al-Daman Hospital will have a positive impact on all these institutions.

Thank you to the El-Obeid Refinery Workers Charity Organization. You have not failed and El-Obeid deserves it.

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