When the Nile Governor inspects the West Bank areas following the floods, he orders the permanent convocation of emergency rooms in the localities and units and takes urgent measures to protect the citizen and his property.

Continuing his inspection tours initiated by Dr. Muhammad al-Badawi Abd al-Majid Abu Qarun, the Governor of the Nile who is in charge of monitoring the situation of citizens and inspecting them following the floods that hit the state during the past few days, the Governor conducted extensive inspection tours this morning in the West Bank areas, from Umm al-Tayur area to al-Bawqa area, and the Governor stopped in view of the magnitude of the floods that hit these areas last night, without any loss of life or property, the Governor issued urgent directives to all localities to activate the roles of emergency rooms at the level of local leaders and administrative units, and they should be in permanent and continuous session throughout the day and continue field work to reach all citizens and their localities and all valleys and to accelerate the work of protecting and draining water. He also ordered the Ministry of Infrastructure to take advantage of this abundant water for the supply of excavations and dams for the benefit of humans, animals and crops. He also ordered to exploit all areas for medicines and others in agriculture, especially after the state provided the necessary seeds for the current agricultural season and highlighted the Productive Initiative for Immigrants. four acres for each expatriate or expatriate family on a temporary basis for cultivation during the current season to help the expatriate secure his strength, go to the market and save his expenses so that he does not become dependent. The governor affirmed that this autumn is a blessing if we make good use of this abundant water for the benefit of production, stressing that Sudan will not be hungry, God willing, as the enemies and agents keep repeating, stressing that the Nile State is able, God willing, to provide food for the Sudanese people, especially after the success of this autumn. The governor prayed to God Almighty to make this rain this year a beneficial rain that will benefit all the Sudanese people and protect everyone from any danger, calling on everyone to be. careful. Do not build buildings in places where floods flow, stay away from low-lying areas, and take precautions in building buildings with durable materials that can withstand the conditions of the fall in light of the climate change that the world, our country, and our state have experienced. witnessed.

The governor addressed gatherings in the areas of Al-Ashaqada, Al-Bawaqa and some areas of the West Bank, and reassured the governor about the situation of citizens in the West Bank in general and in these areas in particular. had a great impact on the citizens, who confirmed that the state government, headed by the governor, remains with the citizens and monitors them in all circumstances, especially in times of adversity and disaster and rapid response to requests, stressing that, God willing, they will turn to agriculture to ensure their livelihood and food security and benefit from this blessing.

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