When will America realize that the Sudanese people are fully aware of the magnitude of the plot – the proof is in the people's choice to continue fighting until the last foreign mercenary dies ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo

Al-Hwan Mortada Ghair (the precious): A private message…

++ I saw the tweet of the American Cameron Hudson, director of the office of the American special envoy for Sudan, in which he said: ((America is disconnected from the political reality in Sudan and has fallen into the same trap as Progress Coordination has fallen into))000

++ I first express my deep appreciation for this man for his total bias always in favor of the voice of truth and truth, his total sympathy for the Sudanese people and his stimulating hatred of the Janjaweed, even though he is an American, but the years he spent in Sudan made him love Sudan and its people and make an extraordinary effort to help them in their terrible ordeal….

++ All this does not prevent me from disagreeing with the man in what he said about the fact that he fell into the same trap into which the coordination of progress fell…

++ America did not fall into any trap because, in short, it wanted all these steps that Sudan and its people have taken, and it continued to monitor the political scene in Sudan and saw its plan unfold steadily like the hands of a clock, without exaggeration or negligence…

++ The Zionist mentality that runs and directs America is the one that plotted for it and for the Emirates to put in place the strings of the plot to destroy, move and destroy the infrastructure, and then erase the entire national memory by tearing apart the libraries, the archives, the National Museum, the radio library, as well as the television and press archives…

++ Then, they have now reached the penultimate stage of their plan to target our homeland by dismantling the army. As soon as the Sudanese army sits down at the Geneva negotiations, submissive and subject to their directives, there are instructions, the first of which. is to absorb all the militias into the people's armed forces, then after that, they will share with the army the command post of a commander-in-chief of the army and a deputy with real files and broad powers. will do whatever he wants. Finally, this army will be stripped of its powers and skills to protect the nation's capabilities, because it will turn into a traitor Abdullah Hamdok ((Karzai of Sudan)) 000,000.

++ The final stage of their planned project, which is to occupy and colonize Sudan, will come after they install Hamdok as a civilian president with broad powers, including the dismissal of the army leadership…

++ This is the Zionist plan that the cursed America and the vile state are implementing with the full knowledge of their governments. It is not true that America does not have sufficient information about the reality surrounding Sudan…

++ If there is one thing the American administration does not know, it is the nature of the Sudanese people who cannot be colonized, and it sees in America the face of evil, behind which no good can ever come…

++ Not only that, but you think, and in a way it is a sin, that he will submit to it and fear its oppression, as he has done with some of those countries that have surrendered to humiliation and shameful childishness because of their susceptibility to colonialism.

++ The Sudanese people will react strongly against this, fighting fiercely against anyone who presents himself as a criminal, an invader and an occupier. His record is rich and rich with rare heroism. He rejects injustice and loves the sword, bravery. and audacity…

++ The Sudanese people will be the first to fight against the drought ((God honors those who listen)) that America intends to impose on them again…

++ ((Karzai of Sudan)) will fight, no matter who is the traitor agent, the son of the murderer, Abdullah Hamdok, or any other wretched Ruwaibda….

++ And those who betray the Sudanese army, whose forces have remained for nineteen months in fierce and bitter fighting, will fight without having a single hour to visit their families in order to reassure themselves, so that it passes as a sign in the book of dialogue that he represents the army….

++ And anyone who provides the slightest assistance to the American forces or the Janjaweed militias will fight, because this is considered the height of treason and mercenaryism….

++ It is a people imbued with heroism, honor and pride, and filled with the values ​​of struggle, struggle and a rare chivalry. For this reason, any talk about the possibility of Burhan's submission to the American administration. is the product of a sick imagination that wants to challenge the leadership of the army, considered one of the greatest soldiers on the planet…

++ Al-Burhan issued his three no's: ((No negotiation, no peace, no ceasefire)) and he proceeded with all the forces, responding to the will of his citizens who reject oppression, tyranny and arbitrariness and believe in their destiny that they were not created humiliated, but rather honorable, pure and pious servants…

++ A little message to the king of prostitution, who is truly despicable in everything. President Burhan's trip to participate in the inauguration of a head of state or his victory in the elections is at the heart of his duties, which he exploits for what. brings good to the country and the public good. In addition to this and that, he is a heroic commander of Persia who destroyed the conspiracy of your masters of which you are the agent, their intelligence, I will come back to you in an article. to show you that one of his sons is fighting in the front ranks of the enemies of the homeland pushed by the evil state, of which you are a wage slave, in the dirtiest profession and thus preserving the “honor” of his family. I will come back to discuss this issue with you ((with great brilliance)) There is no other way for someone like you than this…

++ ((The house is a disgusting thing that disturbs people)) is a common proverb. It seems that this filthy and insolent bastard has not heard of it, and if he has heard it, he has not understood its meaning. So our. duty is to explain this to him clearly ((with photos)). But before that, the question arises: why did the silence of the graves stop attacking the regime during this period ???!!! What is the story of this photo that was sent to him, and since that day he has left May alone ??????!!!!

*++ Army, machine*..

*++ Be careful, Jinn*..

*++Resistance or tenacity*..

*Omar Capo*

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