White Nile crocodiles take down three steps without any loss

In a failed attempt by the rebel forces and to cover up the defeats inflicted by the White Nile Crocodiles during the Al-Awj Rebellion and within the responsibility of the 18th Infantry Division, they sent (3) marches towards Kosti, but the will of God Almighty and the determination of the White Nile Crocodiles brought down (2) steps without explosion and the third exploded in the fuel depot of the Nile Petroleum Company near the river transport. Thus, the Civil Defense Forces intervened to provide treatment. the hole in the deposit. There was no loss of life or property, except for a small part of the depot, and necessary measures were taken there. The leadership of the 18th Infantry Division and the White Nile Crocodiles confirms this to the Sudanese people and citizens. from the state that the crocodile is awake, let the citizen sleep well, and the militia warns for the second and third time that they are disappointed and are targeting the citizens of the White Nile, and also a strong warning to the sleeper cells , especially inside the cities of the state, that the special action forces and the intelligence services of the division monitor and track them even at the district, division and city level – and there is no there is no excuse for those who warn and let the eyes of the coward not sleep.

The article was published White Nile crocodiles take down three steps without any loss First on Zoll net.

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