White Nile defenses shoot down RSF suicide bomber, protect vital installation

In the name of God the Merciful
*White Nile State Security Committee*
God Almighty said (If you help God, no one can defeat you) and God Almighty said (And they plan and God plans, and God is the best of planners) God Almighty said the truth.
Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, and glory, pride and joy for our armed forces and the regular forces that support them in the battle for dignity.
*Citizens of White Nile State, may God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you*
Praise be to God, on the morning of Friday, May 17, 2024 AD, our ground defenses responded to the treacherous attack by the Rebel Rapid Support Militia on the Nile Fuel Depot, one of the vital civilian sites that contains the stock of fuel for the summer agricultural season in the state, in order to restrict the citizens and cause panic and fear, as the militia approach is used against the citizens by sabotaging civil installations and property.
The militia attacked with three suicide marches, two of which were shot down by ground defenses and one fell, causing limited damage and no loss of life.
This attack comes in response to their defeats in the Al-Awaj region, in the north of the state, and their loss of lives and vehicles.
We reassure citizens that the state is resisting the rebellion and that all security services are vigilant and fully coordinated to protect land and honor.
We urge citizens to be wary of rebel militia agents infiltrating villages and neighborhoods and to immediately report them to the nearest security service unit.
We ask God to grant security and safety to all parts of the country, and victory to our armed forces and the forces supporting them, and shame and disgrace to the treacherous enemy.
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