White Nile Governor Inspects War Arrivals from Sinnar State

Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, accompanied by members of the Supreme Committee for Humanitarian Emergencies and members of the State Security Committee, Mr. Hussein Mohamed Al-Ragal, Executive Director of Al-Jabalin locality, and Mr. Al-Musalmi Ahmed Mohamed, Executive Director of Al-Dali and Al-Mazmoum locality in Sennar State, inspected today the conditions of the war-affected arrivals from Al-Dali, Al-Mazmoum and Jabal Moya areas in Sinnar State, who were received in Al-Jabalin city, in the gatherings of the villages of Abu Dulu', Umm Al-Qura and the satellite villages in the suburbs.

The governor listened to the clarifications of the executive director of Al Jabalain locality on the number of arrivals and the services provided to them.

The Governor of White Nile said in a statement on the radio that the state government would do its utmost to ensure the comfort of the arrivals and provide them with services in the fields of food, housing and health and that His Excellency welcomed all the arrivals. are in a place of warmth and welcome by their families and brothers in his locality, Al-Jabalain added that a large number of arrivals were accommodated with their families and families in the villages, noting that the state has provided for the arrivals through the Ministry of Finance with quantities of corn and the necessary needs, and that the Humanitarian Emergency Committee and the locality of Al-Jabalain received the arrivals and identified accommodation sites for them. The governor ordered that health and treatment services be provided to the arrivals. at Al-Jabalain Hospital and health centers.

For his part, Mr. Hussein Muhammad Al-Rajil, Executive Director of Al-Jabalin locality, explained that the locality has hosted more than seven thousand three hundred families affected by the war in Sennar State. The Zakat Office to provide emergency humanitarian aid to the arrivals, said that the locality received today two convoys of national organizations working in the field of humanitarian work, he stressed that the humanitarian conditions of the arrivals require urgent interventions from official and popular bodies. and he stressed good coordination with the Executive Director of Al-Dali and Al-Mazmoum locality to attract more support from philanthropists and merchants in the area.

In the same context, Mr. Al-Musalmi Ahmed Mohamed, Executive Director of Al-Dali and Al-Mazmoum locality, expressed his joy at the official and popular interest they have attracted from the White Nile State in general, and Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa, the governor of the state in particular, and said that this demonstrates the values ​​and morals of the Islamic religion and the Sudanese people in compassion, cooperation and friendship. He praised the great interest and support of the Humanitarian Emergency Committee and the Zakat Office since the arrival of the arrivals on the first day in the locality of Al-Jabalin.

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