White Nile Governor Receives First Issue of State Gazette

Professor Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, received this morning at the Official Gazette buildings in Kosti from Dr. Al-Sadiq Mufarreh, Director of the State Legal Department, the first issue of the State Official Gazette, after the newspaper moved to its new headquarters in Kosti.

This was attended by Maulana Muhammad Rabie, Deputy Head of the State Judiciary, Professor Fatima Al-Hajj Al-Tayeb, Minister in charge of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Dr. Al-Tayeb Ali Issa, Minister-in-charge of the Ministry of Education and Guidance, Engineer Al-Tayeb Muhammad Al-Hassan, Minister-designate of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Urban Development, Professor Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jaali, Secretary General of the Responsible State Government, and Dr. Abu Abdah Omar Ajabin, Executive Director of Kosti Locality, and a group of leaders of the state's executive, security and justice agencies.

The Governor of White Nile commended the efforts of the State Legal Department in completing the work programs of the Official Gazette within a short period of time, thanks to the appreciated support of the Ministry of Finance, the Legal Department and the State Government Secretariat, which resulted in the publication of the first issue of the Official Gazette and the launch of the work of the newspaper on this new site.

The governor said that it is a great effort and a real achievement for the state to have an official gazette that covers all decisions, decrees and procedures related to the state's work system, in order to facilitate the process of knowing the work in progress. in the corridors of all political, security, judicial and executive agencies, which is positively reflected in the work of the courts and judicial channels and reduces the cost of citizens' travel to correct legal certification and name change procedures, emphasizing the. importance of this official gazette for the state and neighboring states. His Excellency renewed his thanks to the Ministry of Finance, the State Government Secretariat and the advisers of the Legal Department for the careful monitoring of this work, which is in the interest. of the people of the state.

For her part, the Minister of Finance in charge of the White Nile State, Professor Fatima Al-Hajj Al-Tayeb, affirmed the ministry's interest in the programs of the Official Gazette, providing it with the necessary support and sponsoring all its technical and logistical efforts. programs due to their importance in preserving rights, protecting documents and protecting decisions, decrees and orders from damage, which facilitates the work of all state agencies.

In the same context, the Director of the State Legal Department, Maulana Dr. Al-Sadiq Mufarreh, explained that the launch of the first issue of the Official Gazette of the White Nile State came after the official establishment of the Official Gazette Office in the state, expressing his thanks to the Minister of Justice, the Undersecretary and the government of the state represented by Professor Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of the state, and the Ministry of Finance for their great support for the official Gazette to see the light, he said that all decisions and orders issued by the executive branch will find their place in this archive, which is called the Government Documents Bank, which provides publishing services to become its owner and is not subject to appeal and is an official document approved in all service points in the country.

Copies of the first edition of the Official Gazette were delivered to a number of institutions at all levels, with great interest from the judiciary, executive, judicial and security apparatuses of the State.

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