White Nile Governor Stands at Start of Supreme National Court, White Nile District

Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, today visited the headquarters of the state judiciary in Kosti to launch the work of the new National Supreme Court, White Nile District.

He was received by Maulana Taloot Madani, Head of the State Judiciary, Maulana Hassan Abdul Karim Othman, Judge of the Supreme Court and Chief of the Circuit, Maulana Saleh Hussein Mahmoud, Chief of the Public Prosecution, and a number of judges of the Supreme Court. Court and judiciary. The governor listened to the Enlightenment on the establishment of the court and the role it plays in adjudicating a number of civil, legal and criminal cases.

Al-Khalifa said that the opening of the Supreme Court of White Nile is an addition to the state and will greatly contribute to facilitating procedures for citizens and reducing travel costs for transactions in other states. The governor praised the achievements made by the Court in White Nile. considering the appeals submitted to it within a month at a rate of more than fifty percent, and Sabada promised to fulfill all the requirements of the court so that you can see its full role.

For his part, Maulana Taloot Madani, Head of the White Nile State Judiciary, expressed his thanks to the Governor of White Nile for his continued support to the state's judiciary, stressing that justice is the first soldier to reach He stressed that the establishment of the Supreme Court in the state was a response to an urgent need after the exit of the Court, he stressed that the State Supreme Court has ruled, since its establishment at the end of last July, on more than two hundred appeals out of a total of four hundred appeals, where appeals, criminal investigation, revision and confirmation were considered, and Maulana Taloot demanded that separate buildings be allocated to the Supreme Court, adding that the Court will be stable and will continue its work regularly even after the end of the war

In the same context, Maulana Hassan Abdel Karim Othman, Supreme Court Judge and Head of the White Nile Circuit, explained that the establishment of this court is a major achievement for the White Nile State and that the court has started its work to decide all the files and appeals prepared for it in civil, Sharia and criminal cases, and it is a court specialized in reviews and appeals.

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