Who are the Master and Governor of the North complaining to?! #The_Autre_Dimension ✍️ Musaab Brier

» I followed with astonishment what was said in the summary of #Al-Arabiya_Sudan, where the northern governor, Abdeen Awadallah, recognized the presence of “sleeper cells” within his state, complaining of the presence foreign presence, noting that foreign presence constitutes a security threat that requires resolution by all parties involved.

»To whom are the Lord and the Governor of the North complaining?! He is the leader responsible for the security and safety of his state, which, according to his testimony, now suffers from all kinds of security fragilities. His dangerous acknowledgment of the presence of sleeper cells in his security-focused state gives us pause. I wonder, what is the governor waiting for to take action to control and contain the danger of these sleeper cells?!

» As for the biggest confusion, it is his complaint regarding the security threat of the foreign presence, which His Excellency knows that resolving requires action from all parties concerned. Let's ask ourselves if these relevant parties who are present in its jurisdiction are in urgent need. action to control the threat of foreign presence. The issuance of instructions from the UN Security Council, for example, or from the UN or from where?! Why have these relevant authorities not taken steps so far to address foreign presence risks for citizens of the Northern State by reviewing their residence permits, arresting violators and prosecuting them for violations laws governing foreign presence in Sudan, or expelling them back to their countries in coordination with their embassies in Sudan, if applicable, or even gathering them in asylum information camps until their expulsion outside Sudan be organized?

“Such bizarre statements from the governors of our evacuated states regarding the most significant threats to our national security require urgent consideration by our state leaders so that the undesirable does not happen.” . it is legal for the fifth column to cross their soil, which carries the risk of death, and the agencies have made it clear that the wish has absolute sensitivity towards traitors. The traitors' lawyers now find only the excuse of madness as a means. to get them out of the gallows. When will the rest of our evacuation governors follow this path?!

After the last one:

In summary, the honorable governors of our states must review their media discourse and their misleading statements to public opinion before publishing them so as not to add insult to injury to our suffering. The issue of imminent security threats must be resolved through a unified strategy. , whose steps to achieve this are being corrected day by day. Finally, the governor of the North must inform public opinion of his effective plan to respond to this security fragility, the existence of which was recognized without delay, because it is up to him. it is the citizen who should complain, and not the other way around. There is no power or strength except in God, the Most High, the Great.

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

Oh God, do not impose on us because of our sins those who do not fear you and do not have pity on us, O most merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Wednesday May 22, 2024 AD

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