Who buys Bouar Hamdok and his dwarfism?!! No more dawdling and misinformation…and myths and bubblegum theses…!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas

As long as they are in this state of unemployment and as long as there are incentives and misfortunes granted by the acting godfather, there is nothing wrong with the loser Hamdok continuing to move (to his stunted manner) between European and African capitals. come together (empty theorizing) and then their disbelief is reduced to nothing, other than the continuation of their solution in (misguidance), the (abominable) dreams, and the (fiery) theses to which they cling, provoking them. fall into the depths of Failure… No rational person knows where these wretches got this abundant “heaviness of blood” which prevents them from remembering that they were “expelled” from the people and “worthless” in his memory, and the letters of his (honorable) sons and daughters abroad had arrived by mail carrying (His hatred and detestation) for them and declares to the whole world that you are but an (insignificant) group and insignificant) which caused war and the destruction of his homeland, and who is now trying (in vain) to present himself in the form of (Gentle Lambs) pure from (the impurity of) wrongdoing… but no way, you have ( burned) of shame and betrayal, so congratulations on unemployment and sustenance from the godfather's treasure..!!*
*As for their latest form of unemployment and superstition, it came from Kampala, where they argued and gathered at the same (absurd table) and laid down what they loved and appreciated from (superstition) and political literature (odious and reprehensible) which expresses their naivety and superficiality, and the funny thing is that their greatest magician, Hamdok, says that they discuss this which he called the “delegitimization” of the Port Sudan government and are considering the formation of a “government in exile”. And the means of (stopping) war and protecting (civilians) with the (frivolous) titles they (hold) and with which they travel from exile to exile. Their condition is like the condition of the (sneaky) fox that day. appeared in the clothes of (our preachers)… in fact, it is more (ugly) than the condition of the deceptive fox. They are trying to separate themselves from their (partnership) in (igniting) war and destruction of the country. homeland… and they will find no one to buy their goods (desperate). It is better for them to (keep silent), because they have no choice but for people to just take (retaliation) against them and receive the (punishment) they deserve..!!
* We give the good news to these gullible and stunted people that the militia has deceived them in times of complete extinction, and that its leaders and mercenaries are among the perished, the captives, the disabled and the (disabled fugitives), so what nights do you sing and dream of…?!! We know that the godfather's (financial) honors are all your ambitions, while your meetings are only (idleness and despair), and your godfather knows that you will achieve nothing and that you are only a (stamp) of low value or (postage stamp) (stuck) on his own diary which has (destroyed) him and you in this crushing disaster..!!*
*We will write and write…!!!*