Who deserves to be held responsible: the Minister of Industry or the sugar mill workers…!? – #The_Autre_Dimension – ✍️ Musaab Brier

“A number of employees of the Sudanese Sugar Corporation contacted me to help them express their helplessness and blatant injustice in depriving them of their salaries for about 15 months, and they protested against the policy of preference and discrimination practiced by the Ministry of Finance with the establishments.

My interlocutor continues: “The sugar is dying and the workers are displaced and at risk of losing their jobs, especially since many of them suffer from chronic diseases. Those who did not die from gunshots died of hunger, and yet they have not received their salaries for (15) months. The workers and their families in Al-Junaid, Sennar and Assalaya have been displaced and displaced because of… the war.

“After the failure of the Managing Director of the Sudanese Sugar Corporation to fulfill his responsibilities in paying workers' salaries, as many war-affected states are currently doing with their helpless officials, the company's workers formed a committee to follow up on these legitimate rights.

“The committee submitted a request to the Minister of Industry, containing legitimate questions based on the statements of the Minister of Finance to the public that the state pays 60% of the salaries of all state employees, and the Ministry of Finance did not announce the deprivation of the workers of the sugar company as an exception, so it would have been better if the Minister of Industry had been kind enough to contact the Minister of Finance or the Service Affairs Bureau to inquire about the reason for not financing the salaries of the Sudanese Sugar Company..!

“But instead, Mr. Minister, I lazily forwarded the complaint to the Director General of the Sudanese Sugar Corporation, who could not go to the Ministry of Finance to seek the salaries of the employees for the past 15 months, and instead, His Excellency stood up and demanded that the committee members provide proof of receipt of salaries?! He even formed an accounting committee for them to claim their salaries!! The proof of receipt of salaries, Mr. Director, is the statements of the Minister of Finance, so the question remains: Why did you not go to the Ministry of Finance to claim the rights of your employees for the past 15 months? What have you been content with during the past period?!

“What is interesting is that I followed with astonishment the content of the article by my great colleague, Professor Assem Al-Bilal Al-Tayeb, under the title “The Minister of Industry responds to the complaint of sugar factory workers regarding salaries.” He said: I received calls from employees and workers in some sugar factories complaining bitterly that thousands of workers have not paid their salaries for months. Perhaps the year is approaching, and for reasons unknown to them, despite the confirmed information they have about the arrival of these workers. and when they raised the issue on social media, investigation and accountability committees were formed to confront the instigator of the Asalaiya sugar factory, in addition to threatening to stop work in some factories that are still productive despite the war conditions.

“When I asked the former head of the Workers' Claims Committee, Mortada Babakir Al-Jak, about the supporting documents, they told me that their information indicated that the salaries were in the hands of the administration, and they even specified their amount, and they sent copies of the decision to form accounting committees to some of those who filed the file on social media, and they informed me of their filing of a complaint with the Ministry of Industry.

“So, without relying on the copies of the documents, I contacted the Chairman of the Committee to confirm the existence of an issue worthy of being raised, given the conditions of war and its repercussions, the continuity of aspects of life and the fluidity of disbursement of salaries in general, Mrs. Mahasen Ali Yaqoub, the Minister-designate of Industry, inquired about the issue of salaries of workers in some sugar factories. Following a complaint by some employees, the Minister indicated that she had received a complaint on behalf of the employees against the Managing Director of the Sudanese Sugar Corporation, stating that the Director had received salaries from the Ministry of Finance and had not been paid to the workers. Accordingly, the complaint was sent to the Director and the Ministry of Finance was informed. was addressed in this regard, attaching a copy of the complaint filed. After that, a delegation from the company represented the employees and a meeting was held with the general manager of the company, following which I received a request from the employees to withdraw the complaint filed by the general manager. This ended.

After the last one:

In short, the Ministry of Industry has turned the complaint of workers with the status of Qadir into a personal issue around which accountability committees are established against the oppressed workers who have not paid their salaries, and even pressured them to withdraw their complaint as well. to hold accountable the negligent people who caused a delay in the full payment of the workers' salaries (15) “You saw.” “Justice is like that. In the end, who deserves to be held accountable for not fulfilling his duty here? Is it the minister and his general manager who failed to provide even one month's salary to his subordinates, or those who were deprived of their most basic rights during the time of need?! Has the claim for legitimate rights become an issue of accountability?! So the burning question remains: why have the employees of the Sudanese Sugar Corporation not paid their salaries for (15) months, Mr. Minister of Industry?! We have lived and one day we will see, there is no power nor strength except with God Almighty..

There is no revealer except God.

Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best arranger of affairs.

O God, impose not on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear You for us and have no mercy on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Friday (August 23, 2024 AD)

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