Who erased the history of Al-Abdlab – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

Much of the history of Sudan in past eras and centuries is still hidden and lost, and much of it has been altered because the events and reality of that period do not match. This has sparked a wide controversy among education experts and historians to erase this information. history, which is considered a reference and a source of pride for every Sudanese.

The erasure of this rare history and the disappearance of the manuscripts was not a coincidence or the result of natural factors, but rather was done intentionally and willfully by certain parties for many reasons, some of which were motivated by malice and hatred, and others because of something in Jacob's soul.

History is not a place of ideological conflict, but rather a space of knowledge and science and a reference for future generations. The confusion and erasure of some historical documents has taken place, which has not been done through the formation of scientific committees or experts in the same field, is considered a crime punishable by law, the price of which will be paid by future generations who will lose a history that they could have cherished in the midst of… Peoples.

Our goal in shedding light on this lost or erased history is our concern to develop education and to put back into the curricula the materials that were deleted after the changes they underwent due to deletion and change without following the scientific foundations through specialized committees. making the younger generations ignorant of a large part of the history of the ancestors who wrote it in the letters of Light.

Perhaps one of the educational objectives that we need to inculcate in the hearts of students through the curricula is love for their motherland, good morals and upright behavior derived from ancient history and our true religion.

Through research and references to rare books belonging to certain individuals, we discovered that among the historical documents that were suppressed is the history of Abdalab, whose reign over the country lasted for about 360 years. It is an honorable story and full of stories. great achievements and deeds. He left an internal and external reputation that does not live up to what is written about him, there is little information about him, and one can hardly find the definition that suits him and his greatness. , he is mentioned only in a few lines, not exceeding three or four lines.

The servants who ruled Sudan are the sons of Sheikh Sharif Abdullah Jamaa bin Sharif Muhammad Al-Baqir. He was named Jamaa because he united the Arab tribes, and his lineage ends with Lady Fatima Al-Zahra in her son Abdullah bin Ali bin Abi Talib. (may God honor his face).

Sheikh Abdullah Jamaa grew up in a house of religion and knowledge, where his father went to Makkah at a young age to memorize the Quran, its sciences and the sciences of the Sharia. He returned to Sudan and spread the message and the Quran. 'an and its people, so that he would be the head of his family, Al-Qawasimah, in Rifa'a Al-Kubri.

His ambition and love for religion led him to think about uniting the Arab tribes and establishing an Islamic state. So he sought to lead the construction of Dengus Makfung, who was a just king and enjoyed a good reputation. He asked him to ally with him. achieve together the establishment of an Islamic state in Sudan. He found support and blessings, and he was entrusted with the command of the allied armies, so he organized, organized and mobilized them well, and Sheikh Abdullah Jamaa took command of the armies. defeated the Al-Anj rulers of the Alwa Kingdom in their capital, Soba, and their armies retreated defeated to their second capital, Qary, which was therefore besieged for a long time. Then the two armies met and the Alwa State fell.

After this, a new phase in the history of Sudan began in the administration of its reign between the Abdalabi Al-Fungi alliance, known as the “Blue Sultanate”. This was in the year 910 AH, corresponding to 1504 AD.

After declaring their rule, Sheikh Abdullah took Jamma as his capital (Qari), while he took Amara Dunqas as his capital (Sennaar). He established the first Islamic state in Sudan governed by the law of God, and it is the state that created the current one. Sudan experienced a wise rule that extended for more than three centuries until 1821 AD.

During the time of Al-Abdullab, science was flourishing and scholars and supplicants flocked to the country after the defeat of the Muslims and the collapse of their state in Andalusia. They spread the Arabic language, Islamic culture and Sufi thought, which rose to Islam. importance during this period, during which the sons of Sheikh Ghulam Allah bin Abid Al-Rikabi, Sheikh Muhammad Siwar Al-Dhahab, Sheikh Abdul-Sadiq and Sheikh Haj Musa Jed, Sheikh Hassan Wad Hassouna and Sheikh Hamad Abu Dnana appeared.

Al-Abdlab laid the foundations of the first modern state governed by the law of God under the leadership of Sheikh Abdullah Jama'a and his son Sheikh Ajeeb Al-Manglik. During this period, many kingdoms followed Sheikh Abdlab, namely the Kingdom of. Ja'alians – the Kingdom of Al-Jamouiya – the Kingdom of Mervab – the Kingdom of Al-Shaiqiya – the Sheikhdom of Manasir – the Sheikhdom of Al-Shanblah).

Sheikh Abdullah Jamaa passed away in the year 970 AH and after his departure he left behind many sons, the most famous of whom was his successor, Sheikh Uhaib al-Manglik, who assumed the caliphate. He was an experienced sheikh, a sheikh. just a preacher, a courageous jurist and a jurist. He extended the authority of the state over some areas of eastern Sudan that were not subject to it, and he followed the path of his father, following his ally, the Funj. Sheikh Ajeeb was interested in building mosques, cells and places of knowledge, and the influx of scholars into Sudan from various parts of the Islamic world increased due to this development and interest in science and scholars.

Abdalab spread to many areas of Sudan in (Qari – Hajar Al-Asal – Dabak – Halfayat Al-Muluk – Al-Ailfoun – Waad Al-Sheikh Jamaa – Arbaji – Al-Hilaliya – Barinko – Red Sea – Al-Fasher – Al -Karmuk – Qaysan in the south and east – Taqli Mountains in the west) and other areas of Sudan, and their domination extended from Aswan in the north to Suakin in the south.

Sheikh Muhammad Diuma and his sons, Al-Diomab, settled in the area of ​​Hajar Al-Assal (Diomab), while Sheikh Idris Anqar, the grandfather of Al-Anqriyab, and his grandchildren settled in Artoli, Al-Bawqa, Al-Jul, and Fatwar, and Sheikh Adrakoujah, who is the grandfather of Al-Adrako Jab, and his grandchildren settled in Hafir Mashu, Kassala and Hamashkoreb. There are the sons of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Baqir bin Sheikh Ajeeb (Sheikh Ali Beitai). They are from the Buqlad and Al-Rada tribe, and they are a branch of Jumblab in Al-Gash, the sons of Adlan Al-Hadandoui, and they are present among the Turkish tribes (Al-Hilal), and there are some. the Artiq Al-Abdlab Aru, who are the sons of Dhabab Abu Na'ib Wad Abdullah Jama'a, and they were born in Al-Bushab Sheikh Sebah and settled with the grandfather of Al-Sabab in Al-Jili, Al-Niyah. , and Antar With the bear of Wad Al-Ajeel.

During this period, the country experienced a great religious and cultural renaissance, as Sheikh Ajeeb established a corridor for the Sudanese in Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, known as the Sinnar Gallery. He paid attention to the Hijaz and Hajj and thus opened a corridor. passable path for the pilgrims through the mountains and rugged paths on which there was no security and difficult to travel. On his way to Hajj, Sheikh Ajeeb married a member of the Al-Amrar Kawahila tribe and had a son, Othman. belongs to the famous Otman tribe of eastern Sudan, which gave birth to the famous oriental artist Sidi Dushka.

Al-Abdlab continued to rule until 1821, when Ismail Pasha invaded Sudan. This was during the time of Sheikh Nasser bin Sheikh Al-Amin.

Among the luminaries that Al-Abdullab left and wrote in his luminous pages with letters of light during his previous period in power in Sudan, which is enough for them to be proud and dignified, is that during their reign, the Sudanese were blessed with security, justice and prosperity. Scholars, jurists, writers and Sufis flocked to their power from all parts of the Arab and Islamic world, and generations received education inside and outside the country, and the Hajj route, which was bumpy and dangerous, was opened. , in addition to making endowments for pilgrims in Sudan, Makkah and Madinah, they also placed a treasure of pure gold in the Noble Rawdah and a gold scale on the Noble Kaaba.

Al-Abdlab has Saudi grandchildren who are proud of the history of their ancestors. They recently visited Sudan and met with the leaders of Al-Abdlab. The media conducted interviews and dialogues with them, which are now preserved in libraries.

Thus, a heroic page has been turned in the history of the Abdalab tribe, which had a great impact on present-day Sudan, and its heroism and achievements will remain immortal throughout history and ages, and will be covered from generation to generation.

In the midst of this honorable history of the Al-Abdlab tribe, and even of the whole of Sudan, with its reign that lasted for 360 years and its easy disappearance from school curricula, several questions have emerged raised by historians and those interested in the history and past of peoples, which represents their civilization and origins, about the entity, entities or individuals who carried out the investigations into the history of this tribe, for whose benefit was this done, and how were they able to do it? easy access to these historical documents, they began to erase, delete, modify and falsify them.

Our last message that we send to the authorities responsible in this matter is that when the real examination of the history of Sudan is completed and what has been deleted is restored, we can ask for help and coordination with historians and some old families, some of whom have documents related to their families that they inherited from their ancestors and who have an ancient past that interests the country to benefit from these manuscripts by restoring and including part of what has been deleted with the curricula and state archives, or will be. that the issue is ignored, the situation will remain as it is and this ancient period of Sudanese history will remain lost?

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