Who involved Sudan in the Geneva plot????? – The glory of the word – ✍️ Umm Waddah

The speech of Minister Abonmu shortly after the departure of the government delegation from the Sudanese-American consultations in Jeddah and the dangers and pitfalls that they revealed, in addition to the interview he gave to Al Karama newspaper and his assurances that what he reported was the opinion of the state at its highest levels… the statement read by Information Minister Graham reinforces the position of the Sudanese government and its decision to boycott the so-called Geneva platform, all this reveals the American arrogance, tyranny and cowboy mentality led by the United States, Britain, France and Israel, and their insistence on abolishing the Jeddah platform by force and replacing it with (Geneva) in the service of their problems and personal interests, without any desire for a genuine peaceful settlement of what is happening in the country. imposed war on all, some of its tools and fuels for the sake of the militias and the United Arab Emirates, and maintaining the so-called Quartet despite the new positive orientations of the Saudi Kingdom and the integrity of bilateral relations with it and the resumption. this began to creep into the veins of this important relationship that has almost calcified in the past … no matter that the American envoy continues in Geneva for the sake of his allies, the rebel militias, the state of the country. The Emirates and the shameless advanced groups, this is their business and their ambition is to destroy the country after destroying its infrastructure, killing, abandoning, raping, looting and spreading corruption. Despite all this, the government of Sudan has declared its opinion and decision, and the days have proven the credibility of what was written in ink on this risk, other than Al-Mustabirsa by Al-Safir Al-Harith. But people did not pay attention and did not ask who had lured the country into this trap and this cunning trap. Everyone stopped at the speech of our Permanent Representative in New York calling the State to Geneva, and he was the one who took the bait. in the speech of Lamamra (the new Volcker), who almost caused a disaster in the country, if he had not succeeded by his recommendation by going last month to Geneva!? The leaders of the State and its agencies have recently realized the flaw in this door that was opened to swallow what was left of the country thanks to an international intervention with humanitarian claims in order to protect civilians. They want to drag us back into Chapter Seven after we escaped Chapter Six. at the time of UNITAMS. And that America, with our long experiences, has not been and will not be an honest mediator in the history of our relations with it, and it does not care about the tragedies that happen to our people. is a warmaker and a seller of illusions in our environment and in other parts of the world, without you, in Gaza and Ukraine. Its goal is either to bring the country to its knees or to tear it apart. This is its long-term goal. political and strategic, and we must focus on our conditions on the ground and advance in its axes and we must raise the ceiling of military operations and secure the country with one victory after another to eliminate the last rebel, traitor and agent. waste on these withdrawal maneuvers, this international anesthesia and Western threats, which only seek to prolong the war and borrow its bitterness, and it is our people whose words are written: we have not received and will not receive their help, support or assistance. There is no humanity in their barbaric behavior, and there is no respect for human rights or concern for our national security, and victory is inevitably ours… Let the government maintain its position and focus on its home front to win a real victory, sharpen the internal national ranks and defeat this usurping and aggressive force and all those who stand behind it. There is no time to retreat or submit to their terms and will, Mr. President.

Dear word

The same difficult situation that Sadiq al-Mahdi, may God have mercy on him, put us in in March 1989 with his signing of the Lifeline, which was a real lifeline for the John Garang movement, where the lie of humanitarian aid was exploited to provide weapons to the movement. The same difficult situation that the negotiators in Geneva want us to find ourselves in by opening the Adrei crossing to support the Al-Dagalo militia, which should not be the case. I should miss the insight and attention of the Sudanese leaders.

Most expensive word

America is a rabid dog tempted by carrion and will not reject the seven. Therefore, our strength and rallying around our army and its leaders will force it to reconsider its calculations a thousand times.

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