Who is affected by Hamdok's activity? ✍️ Rashan O’Shea

With the sunset of each day and the sunrise of a new day, the distance between the people of Sudan, who are experiencing their darkest days since independence, and the former Prime Minister, Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, decreases, and therefore the chances of returning to the country. sitting on this chair decreases. At the same time, and vice versa, the generals are getting closer day after day to reaching the mass bases…

A populist and political war that Hamdok waged against the generals, but the generals won by gaining supporters, and Hamdok did not have the honor to admit defeat, and he did not yet realize that the leaders of the army seized all the loot and resided in the decision center according to the results of automatic opinion surveys…

Political speeches and shouting made an exposed agent like “Hamdok” a national hero during the last few lean years, and the patriotic fig leaf he hid quickly fell from him, until he declares himself a politician with the rank of “correspondent” of the Emiratis, after his last appearance accompanied by “Abdul Wahid” and “Abdulaziz Al-Hilu”, smiling, because he succeeded in depriving the population of the Nuba Mountains of food and of medicines by thwarting the humanitarian agreement between the SPLM and the government of Sudan, signed in Juba earlier this week.

The diligence of “Hamdok” and its successor, “the Emirates” in eliminating this opportunity (the Kabashi_Al-Helu agreement), means that Sudan will continue to pay a heavy price in terms of political fragmentation, economic collapse, ongoing conflict and deadly entanglement in local conflicts.

Since the start of the war, and as a direct consequence of the intense international movement of Hamdok, and then inheriting the diplomatic activity of the Rapid Support Militia and this role, all the international and regional sympathy for the Sudanese question and the millions of forcibly displaced people and deaths were canceled and the Western polar vision that was functioning at one time was falsified. I really want to end the war in Sudan with readings that reinforce the demands of the Sudanese people, but Hamdok has worked hard to perpetuate. Sudanese-Sudanese hostility and place it in a context that has nothing to do with the practical and direct interests of the Sudanese people, such as their rejection of the occupation, the plunder of their resources and the falsification of their societal security and national.

The opportunity was ripe for the humanitarian aid agreement signed in Juba, supported by strong international guarantees, to be transformed into an agreement aimed at establishing lasting peace and stability, which alone will enable the Southern Kordofan region to in particular and to Sudan in general to regain its potential and ensure a better future for its citizens.

Sooner or later, the people of the Nuba Mountains will move towards greater peace, but they will have paid many terrible prices before they can reach what was now available to them at a lower cost, but Hamdok and his operators blocked the way.

My love and respect

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