Who is Africa's number one enemy (1)?!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine

A question arises, and its traditional answer, known and preserved by all, could be that the first “enemy” of Africa is “ignorance”, “disease” and “poverty”, and this answer has remained firmly rooted among many successive generations. Africa itself, as that “feature” that has been described in the minds of many Sudanese and in many of its successive generations, is that feature that has accompanied their country for a long time, namely that (Sudan is the 'sick man). of Africa).

Neither Africa nor its youth have sought this three-dimensional (enemy) of ignorance, disease and poverty. The truth is that they are not the (enemies) of Africa nor do they have any (problem) or (revenge) with Africa. On the contrary, they are essentially the enemies of (humanity) on all five continents without exception: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

The question is who implanted this (proverb) and worked hard on it until it became (established) in the minds of most successive generations in Africa. He intended, through this action, to (steal) Africa's right to (knowledge), (to wealth). ), and (health), which is a desire. Thus, he leads a “psychological war” against successive African generations so that they do not know “the truth” about the “science”, the “treasures” and the “knowledge” that they possess. their continent enjoys, taking advantage of some of their power, their “influence”, their “power” and their “oppression”.

The reality of the time, and thousands of centuries before it, “denies” this saying that the enemies of Africa succeeded in establishing themselves and falsely and slanderously attributed to “ignorance”, “poverty” and “disease”.

Historical evidence confirms that Africa has no “enemies” mentioned in this “saying”, as reality over time belies this saying specifically in Africa.

If we take these three enemies as mentioned in the saying, or who is behind it, which we will reveal at the end of the article or follow in other articles, God willing.

First, African civilization, if we take Sudan as a model, and the knowledge provided by ancient man in this African region in matters of (agriculture), (irrigation), (construction) and (exploitation mining) in this ancient era before and after our era, without details, confirms that Africa was on the move (science) is advanced on all continents of the world.

As for the illness story, that’s also a big lie. The African man who worked to build this civilization in agriculture, mining and architecture, building the pyramids and extensions of the ruling dynasties before and after his birth. for a sick person, in poor health, to build this civilization? And is the man who built this civilization incapable of manufacturing… Medicines and treating himself? Perhaps it’s a little-known fact that early humans in Africa managed to make? human and veterinary medicines, as animals play a vital role in their use in many agricultural and other works.

As for the history of (poverty), which they claimed was the (third) enemy, it confirms that he who owned agriculture, mines, industry and livestock in those distant times would not be (poor), and whoever had these resources at that time would certainly not be poor.

The enemy of Africa is therefore not disease, nor ignorance, nor poverty, but the enemy of Africa is the one who launched this phrase and worked to consolidate it, and unfortunately the generations Successive Africans believed in it.

In the next episode, the real “enemy” of Africa, in name and image.

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