Who is Africa's number one enemy (2)?!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine

In the first episode, we cleared the accusation. The trinity (ignorance), (disease) and (poverty) is that they are the first enemy of Africa.

This trinity was an imaginary enemy, behind which the real enemy of the African continent was hidden, and it is clear and public without secret that the first enemy of Africa is (Europe). Do not be surprised. This is Europe in a (past). time, it is Europe at a time (present), and it is Europe at a time (later).

This question may not require much effort on my or others' part.

Europe realized that living on its continent was difficult because it had no resources and that it was more difficult to leave it and go to where the resources were, because the climate in which she was used to not being available outside of Europe and for fear of disease and the unknown, the opinion was therefore to bring the resources to where they were at home and not to go there.

When we heard about European travelers such as Vascodijama and Columbus, the discoverer of the new land (America), we were somewhat amazed and impressed by this type of adventure and geographical discoveries. In fact, that wasn't the case. a journey in search of (resources), and most of these journeys took the (coastal) roads. At first, she did not follow the paths of the unknown in search of safety.

When they received complete information about the great resources Africa enjoyed after years of research trips, they decided to divide the African continent between themselves, and each country took its share of the African lands, with Britain obtaining the most of them, Egypt, Sudan and Sudan. South Africa and France, as neighbors, obtained Tunisia, Algeria and much of West Africa. Italy's share was all of Libya and part of the countries of the Horn of Africa, and even Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Germany. sharing.

After this, the story is known that the Sudanese cotton crop was going to the Lancashire mills of Britain, and the psychological minerals of West Africa were going to France, and that Europe continued to profit from life thanks to African resources, and that the inhabitants of the continent were “miserable” and they tried to eliminate the people of the continent with this trinity (ignorance), (disease) and (poverty).

They implemented the idea of ​​transporting resources instead of settling nearby, and the only attempt at colonization was in South Africa for climatic reasons, but it was not as successful as it was in America, which Columbus discovered, where the climate was relatively compatible. Europe committed the greatest massacre in the world, since Europe exterminated all the indigenous peoples of America, including the Indians who came from Europeans from all countries of the Old Continent (Europe).

Because the new land (America) needs agricultural reform, the building of canals and roads, and the removal of small and medium-sized trees, mountains and hills, Europe does not found no one other than an African to carry out this hard work. and brought hundreds of thousands of African residents (slaves) from the west coast of Africa (directly) to America, and after that they did not honor the African person who served him, but rather practiced the policy of apartheid on the population in South Africa and America, which still exists in one form or another in America, are the ones that created apartheid in the world and carried out the largest genocide Indians today, America says. that he opposes racism and genocide, in a clear deception of the world.

And we continue.

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