Who is Africa's number one enemy?!! (4) – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine

It seems that Europe has moved to a new phase other than the phases that prevailed in the past, such as (oppression), (humiliation), (slavery), the policy of (divide and rule) , the laws of (closed) regions, (inciting) conflict and discord, and (sowing) discord between the components of African society and it seems that the new policy is to (eliminate) the African human being so that the virgin land would be left without (humans). or some of them, so that they are free to do what they want.

The new phase began with preliminary experiments aimed at phasing out African “man” through previous stages, and its harvest of “death” did not cure European “pain” and resorted to a new genocide other than the one she perpetrated. among the Native Americans, owners of the lands of America.

The genocide perpetrated by Europe in Africa uses a (different) and (different) method from that which it perpetrated against Native Americans in America.

The war that Sudan is currently witnessing is one of the projects of genocide of the African people.

Europe deliberately started this war and its main goal was (resources) as before, but this time it intended to commit genocide against the people of the African continent, and the British and French (hand) in this matter are clear and do so. It doesn't take much understanding to know that.

The war between the two parties to the conflict in Sudan has cost the lives of tens of thousands of citizens, both civilians and soldiers from both parties to the conflict.

المرتزقة) أوروبا هي (الفائزة) رت القوات المسلحة السودانية وهزمت المليشيا واعوانها تكون كثير تن ك الدول التي كانت مصدرا لمرتزقة ، قد تمت ابادتهم والقضاء عليهم تالي تكون تلك الدول مصدر المرتزقة قد فقدت الآلاف من شبابها بالموت في السودان وبالتالي تكون (فرنسا) قد ضمنت ان تلك الدول مصدر المرتزقة مثل النيجر ومالي وافريقيا الاوسطى وتشاد قد تناقص عددها بالالاف ي تستطيع ان تفرض سيطرتها على الموارد في مناطق( نفوذها )كما كان Formerly

If the second (possibility) happens, which is unlikely, i.e. the victory of the Rapid Support Militia over the armed forces, then Sudan will be fully reverted (to Britain) again. , so that he can get his hands on all the resources of Sudan and try to redistribute them in the language of (movies) and drama series according to (appearance or according to (subscription) Sudan has lost tens of thousands of its citizens , and hundreds). Thousands of people have migrated out of Sudan in search of security and stability.

Consequently, lands which fall under the influence of (Britain) or (France) will have had their population diminished by death in war, by hunger, by serious illness or by forced migration, and it will therefore be easy to restore them again. according to these European ambitions for African resources, Africa will have lost the first element (of development) and national (security) which is (the human)

Europe is therefore the first enemy of the African continent in the (past), (present) and (later) and this is not surprising.

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