Who sold the country – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayed

The fierce war waged by the Sudanese Armed Forces against the rebel Rapid Support Militia and its mercenaries in the country and abroad has revealed to the Sudanese people the extent of high treason against the homeland, whether at the level of leaders or individuals. The fall of the city of Madani to the rebels with ease is only evidence of this treason, and it is considered a turnkey operation.

What the country and citizens are currently suffering from in terms of deprivation of livelihoods, displacement and systematic destruction of important vital facilities and infrastructure is nothing but the result of high treason of the state by unscrupulous and patriotic people.

What is commendable is that the leaders and citizens who attacked the homeland felt the danger they and the country were facing, and therefore turned to carrying arms to defend the state and its prestige. It was the popular resistance that introduced terror into the heart of the tremors. and those who sold power, and even the countries that supported them, were terrified of arming all those who are capable of bearing arms, and it became The popular resistance is now a support and backing for the armed forces that are waging a fierce war on all fronts against the rebels on the ground and the traitors inside the state offices and outside against the countries that support the rebellion.

The steadfastness of the armed forces throughout this period of the war is considered an achievement and a miracle to be considered for the Sudanese armed forces, which resisted with all their bravery and courage, not against the rapid support militia and its mercenaries armed with the latest technological advances. weapons, but rather in front of all the great powers that support the rebellion and provide it with weapons, equipment and mercenaries, and this is considered a pride for the Sudanese army and the country, military and civilian experts and analysts at home and abroad. spoke about it, praising the strength, competence and experience of the armed forces in combat as well as their effective and competent management.

We hope that the loyal people of the country, as well as the leaders of the state, will act with the speed required to defeat the rebellion, in light of the international shuttle movements carried out by the countries supporting the rebellion to stifle and exhaust any attempt to free the country from this deep quagmire into which they have plunged us. This will only happen through the military determination of the rebellion on the ground and by activating the laws of deterrence in particular that concern crimes directed against the state up to those who sold the country. are arrested without exception and who continue to cooperate with the outside to erase Sudan from existence, displace its people, humiliate them, plunder their property and rape their women after they were no longer in their national context and were thrown into the arms of foreign intelligence, which is now working to destroy Sudan and make it disappear from existence.

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