Who stole the (language) of the armed forces?!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine See More

The false statement that the armed forces had agreed to a round of negotiations, and the statement was fabricated in a way that suggested that it was issued by this ancient national institution that carries the banner of Sudan's defense from the Sudanese Defense Force, and until now, it fights with one hand and repels the military attack, and with the other hand foils the plots (in its political and diplomatic costume, and in its (uniform) always disguised as him, who is the human (cover).

The latest attempt was an extension of the attack on the armed forces, which consisted of stealing its language in broad daylight while the sun was shining. This is an audacity that confirms the stupidity of those who “initiated” it and even those who “indicated” it, and whoever thought that the false statement could deceive the Sudanese people in front of the armed forces that possess it. The chaste language and the honorable speech.

They believed that the intense pressure exerted on this false statement would result in it being firmly anchored in the minds of the Sudanese people, and that the armed forces would believe it and rush to Geneva without hesitation about anything and without considering the consequences of their action.

It seems that those who are behind the theft of the language of the armed forces are the same ones who sought to dismantle and destroy the armed forces through media campaigns and framework agreements. When all attempts to eliminate the Sudanese army failed, these people did not find any other. healing, which is (cauterization), and they entered the war and started this battle with them. Magic, charlatanism and sorcery, and their language says, as the noble verse says: “Do not leave your gods and do not go. Wad and Lasu'a, and Yaghuth and Ya'uq and Nasr.

Despite the great preparation for this battle in terms of equipment and gear, they thought that this battle would only take a few hours, and they achieved this with magic and drugs, but this only increased their deception.

Those who target the armed forces have failed to dismantle them through the organized media campaigns and the framework agreement, as well as the tripartite and the quartet, and the fifth of them (Volcker), despite the invisible, thinks, even if he does think after this (sin), that they can take control of the country.

And when they despaired and the time lasted a long time, they were saved, and there was no good in many of their supplications, and they resorted to war and thought it was a cold, and they uncovered their legs, and they ended up finding each other. The one who was alive and escaping death headed for the Arab and African capitals, and the one who died and died was hidden under… The rich.

When all attempts to undermine the armed forces failed and they found nothing but stealing (the language of) the armed forces and trying to lie, this (weakened) their faith.

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