Who will stop him, our Sheikh Al-Jaali?? – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

In what was attributed to our Sheikh, Sheikh Muhammad Haj Hamad Al-Jaali, the Sheikh of the Qadiriyya order in Kadbas, and which was widely reported in the media over the past two days, the Sheikh called for an end to the war in Sudan and appealed to those he called on both sides of the conflict to use the voice of reason and sit down for negotiations to end this war!!
Sheikh Muhammad Haj Hamad Al-Jaali, whose lineage is followed by most of the Jaalis, their cousins and their neighbors from other tribes, receives almost daily crowds of Sudanese fleeing a war that they all know is a war of a party that initially wanted to take control of the country, and after a failure, its ends that we are now witnessing have turned into raids by an armed militia composed of thieves, bandits and gangs of international looters whose goal is to seize the property of the people in villages and cities, loot and plunder the precious and valuable things that they see, and commit atrocities for this, the least of which is the forbidden killing of the human soul, the killing of the righteous…
Where and who is the second party, our Sheikh Al-Jaali, in our current situation, and everyone knows that the invaders are those who attack villages, towns and military headquarters, starting from Khartoum, passing through the island, Darfur and currently ending with Sennar, to rob, burn, destroy and displace people, and there is no second party.
If the intention is that of the services and the regular forces, then everyone knows that they do not attack and that they work only to repel the attacks of the invaders and expel them from the places they entered after the looting, destruction, displacement, pillage and rape. complete.
More than one position issued by our Sheikh Al-Jaali, in the name of the Qadiriyya Sajjada, was not in accordance with the desired positions, and we do not know whether what was issued and published was attributed to our Sheikh, Sheikh Muhammad Haj. Hamad, and was approved by him or whether it was issued behind his back, while he was worried and busy with the problems and issues of his subjects, disciples and followers, and the problems and issues that he needed as a solution. among his family and the people of the Nile…
There is only one side to the war, our Sheikh, and if there is a speech to demand an end to the war, let it be addressed today to the militia and its leaders, if they have the leadership, to stop attacking villages and towns and to let innocent and defenseless people lead their normal lives everywhere. Then everyone will discover that the war has stopped and security has returned to Sudan.
May God help everyone