Who will succeed Al-Burhan? – A whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The assassination attempt on Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, which he suffered yesterday in Jebeit, is not improbable and is not surprising. Since the beginning of the war in Sudan, Al-Burhan has rather become a postponed funeral. of the war was to arrest Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and it is quite natural that consideration should be given to assassinating him because he represents the tip of the spear in the military establishment in Sudan, at least at present, and if Al-Burhan dies or is killed, he should not be thanked because he is fulfilling his military duty for which he took an oath to graduate from the Military College. Death has become a certain desire for him that provokes the morning of its possessor. and in the evening, and there is a question that arises in the event of the sudden absence of Al-Burhan following the death or assassination, is there a desire to have an alternative to lead the Sudanese army at that time?*

*It was honorable for Al-Burhan to be killed in the battle of Al-Karama after surviving death at the time the war broke out, and a large number of officers of the armed forces were martyred for him as the commander of the armed forces. Al-Burhan is not better than them, except that he is ahead of them in terms of military rank, but they were ahead of him in achieving martyrdom, and it is honorable that Al-Burhan be killed for It is better for tens of millions of Sudanese to realize that they are displaced, refugees and homeless, and that it is better for them to see the interior of the earth than its surface rather than seeing the cities fall, one after the other, and the suffering of the citizens increase over time. It is better for Burhan and more honorable that he be killed on the battlefield, imminently and unexpectedly, because the page of history must be read impartially and objectively. So we fear neither death nor death. We kill for proof, but we fear rather for the country after the absence of proof*.

*It is certain that the country will not live in a constitutional vacuum if something serious happens to Al-Burhan, and that the military institution will present, in accordance with the order, Lieutenant General Shams al-Din al-Kabashi to become Commander-in-Chief. -Chief of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Sovereign Council. The Armed Forces will remain as an institution based on the same approach and doctrine, except that the second hand of the Commander-in-Chief is represented by: The Sovereignty Council requires practicing politics and diplomacy in order to achieve the greatest number of national interests for the state, government and the Sudanese people. Have the leaders of the Sudanese army established leadership scenarios after the absence of evidence*?

*Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: The assassination attempt in Jabeit yesterday afternoon, 31/07/2024, will not be the last attempt, and it was preceded by other attempts. It is certain that it was the fingers that moved the steps. Yesterday, they have the ability to exploit their abilities to carry out your assassination, and the matter has become as clear as the sun at the fourth hour of the day and death. The soldier has honor and the soldier has a motto: Do ​​not fear death and death. You were trained for this forty years ago at the Military Academy. If the assassination attempt failed in Jebeit, it can succeed in any other place, because the logic of war tolerates death, injury, and capture.*

Half a fork

*The death of the leader creates a kind of confusion in the ranks of an institution, but the situation is quickly realized, the situation is reconciled and the same path is followed.*

A quarter of a fork

*The proof is that it is more honorable for you to die with your blood covered, while the dead are stolen and the wounds are swept away*.

(email protected)

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