Why don't the armed forces reconcile with the Rapid Support Forces… and the citizen has become between homeless and displaced, without food or drink, and has not been spared from death wherever he flees ✍️ Saad Al-Safir

Moreover, the Rapid Support Forces did not limit their war with the army. They brought mercenaries from all West African countries, occupied citizens' homes and burned the Sudanese Documentation House. All land registries and courts released all prisoners and participated with them in the war against citizens. They looted all strategic reserves and terrorized citizens. of the so-called Rapid Support Forces. They arrested everyone who was connected to the regular forces, even if they were receiving a pension. Countless innocent and defenseless people are still being killed.

Worse still, girls and women have been openly raped in Sudan, and free women from Khartoum have been openly kidnapped and openly sold in West African countries.

He lived in the houses of the citizens and they were outside, he destroyed all the infrastructure of the country, he looted the banks, money and property of the citizens, he sought help from all prisoners and drug traffickers. They asked for help from foreign countries to destroy the identity of the Sudanese people. All these crimes do not give the armed forces the right to refuse peace with this militia, except through false speeches. those who want peace be upon him as follows, and the speech is a hand signal to the militia and all its spokesmen are misguided parties. Whoever wants reconstruction does not destroy or attack the citizen. In this way, the people chose, not the army. alone, they chose war. Even if all the Sudanese people were martyred, this cannot be achieved in peace after all these destructions, and the army has all the rights and rights, and from there, the decision is the decision of the commander. in chief and the people behind him

Victory is ours, yes to war and yes to war

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