Why have all the defenders of humanity and democracy become like Kevin Carter?! #The_Autre_Dimension ✍️ Musaab Brier

» A valuable article that I found without the publisher's name, telling the story of the predatory vultures of humanity ravaging the body of our grieving nation in the name of humanity and false democracy. The article said: In the 1990s, a photo was widely circulated of an eagle awaiting the death of a starving little girl and feeding on her body. This photo was taken during the 1993/1994 Sudan famine, during the South Sudanese civil war, by South African photojournalist Kevin. Carter, who later won the Pulitzer Prize for this “incredible shot.”

” However, while Kevin Carter relished his achievement and was celebrated on news channels around the world for his “exceptional photographic talent”, he lived only a few months to enjoy his achievements and his supposed fame, since He then fell into depression and committed suicide. ..!

» Kevin Carter's depression began when someone called him during one of the television interviews he was conducting (a telephone interview) and asked him what happened to the little girl?! Carter simply replied: “I didn't wait to find out after that shot because I had a plane to catch…” To which the caller replied: “You said there was a eagle but in fact there were two vultures that day. , one of them was carrying a camera.

» Thus, his constant thinking about these words later led him to sink into depression and ultimately commit suicide. Kevin Carter could have been alive today and more famous if he had picked this little girl and taken her to the United Nations nutrition center. , where she was trying to reach him or at least take him to a safe place.

» Today, unfortunately, this is what is happening all over the world. The world celebrates stupidity and inhumane work at the expense of others. Kevin Carter should have kept the girl away from that place, which would have cost him nothing, but he didn't. It's an inhumane position: “He had plenty of time to take a photo of himself, but he didn't have time to save the life of the starving child who was threatened with being eaten by the predatory eagle that was waiting for the opportunity to attack her.

“Won't the same miserable scene repeat itself for us in Sudan now?! Don't the defenders of humanity, democracy, freedom and justice kill us, drag us out, chase us from our homes and rape our women? under the pretext of allowing democracy, freedom, peace and justice?! What triviality, idiocy and absurdity do we live in the name of democracy, while some of them continue to trade in our corpses, which are now eaten without delay by the vultures, and they hold conferences, hatch plots, take advantage of cheap labor. money, to plan how to govern us despite all the inhumane crimes that are committed with an ugliness that is shameful now… and none of them would even dare to condemn it from their pulpit by leaning on their skulls of innocent victims. ..

“When will these motorists realize that victory and fame over the corpses of your family and people, their displacement and their being pillaged and starved will never be called a victory because it lacks humanity, national pride and chivalry… and that your failure to defend your land, your money and your honor takes you out of the ABC of your religion, your vision and your right to life, to God forbid.

» How many people are like Kevin Carter, in fact, now exploiters and war mongers, vampires of the needy who have increased real estate rents to 3 billion a month and transformed people's lives and their need for goods with which greedily speculating for quick wealth, or cheap workers to sell off what was left of the wounded nation, and many others. We hope to God that their fate will be that of Kevin Carter.

Last message :

In summary, the wars in Sudan, Gaza, Yemen and Syria, coupled with the confessions of former US President Trump, have clearly shown how inhumane, materialistic and barbaric the world has become. possess the strength to protect them from the predatory vultures waiting to prey on them with detestable cunning, cunning and malice, and finally, we must all contemplate the end of the inhuman vulture, Kevin Carter, who will not be erased from the world . memory of history soon to serve as an example for our positions in which we deal with our various life problems. Is there anyone who will be advised…?!

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, do not impose on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear you for us and do not have pity on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Saturday (June 1, 2024 AD)

(email protected)

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