Why Kadmol when we are in the battle for dignity ✍️ Saad Al-Safir

The armed struggle movements, as they called them, entered during the inglorious Loss of December.

We participated in these movements after a long period of neutrality, and we said that it is better late than never, but so far these movements carry the kadamul like them and the militias, and there is no of difference. Yes, all Sudanese people wear it. We Sudanese are of the same origin, but the football team has a unified uniform so that one player does not pass the ball to the opponent. How ? For movements that fall under the command of the armed forces. here, dress must be uniform. We learned in army training camps about uniformity, and this word is not in vain to distinguish a policeman from a soldier in the army, as well as in specialized units of the army, from police and security. . Each unit has a uniform that distinguishes it from the others.

In short, operational uniforms must be unified so as not to confuse the rope with the arrows. How could the forces be included in the army, and so far it is Kadmul who is in charge of its personnel?

Has the turban of the dear Sudanese people been replaced by West African clothing?

Are Minawi and the movement forces still Toro Buru, or are they fighting forces within the ranks of the armed forces?

Finally, our great army must face shameless agents, and every agent must be executed immediately, and mercy to the oppressor is an insult to the oppressed, and the people have been wronged. It’s a simple word, just like the injustice that happened. them.

May God grant victory to our armed forces, and may the Kadmul, who does not resemble the Sudanese people, be banned from military movements and citizens. You know what the Kadmul did to us, and God curse the Kadmul and the militia. and we are all an army.

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