Why the Hessian Union is hiding information about a trillion-pound corruption – Blue Gem – ✍️ Aziz Al-Khair

We will continue and continue, God willing. The Anti-Corruption Prosecution has sent more than one request for a statement to the General Federation regarding the issue of jute containers, Criminal Case No. 117/2023… but the Federation evades a response and procrastinates. answering the questions contained in the statement, which are an integral part of the corruption case related to the seizure of jute containers worth $400,000.

The most important thing is that the amounts that appeared in the report of the Finance Committee, which oversees the collection of funds and contributions to the national teams, were thousands of times lower than the aforementioned amount, since it did not exceed a few billion pounds. , while the value of the containers at current prices is equal to about a trillion pounds. The case is clear and the trial is clear. We will continue to uncover corruption, and as long as corruption includes these containers, the prosecution's investigations will reveal a. There is a lot of corruption in these files. As the saying goes, lost money means theft. Unfortunately, the union's money is in bulk, as evidenced by the fact that this money does not enter the union's account and does not leave with checks in the name of. the union, and that there are procedures that are done by… Some brokers and dealers say that customs clearance and sales are done in cash or by checks in the name of individuals and are registered in the account of individuals and not in the approved account of the General Union.

I have received fantastic communications on this issue and this issue that will reveal the biggest corruption operation going on in Sudanese sports. Its heroes are with us and so far they are doing their job and traveling to different capitals with the federation's money, public money, which is supposed to be subject to strict financial control.

The union formed a committee about a year ago to review the financial report of the special committee. The committee disappeared under mysterious circumstances and the committee refused to accompany the lawsuit filed in the burlap case. to review the report submitted… Ok, this report contains the amounts received for support and assistance from the Ministry of Finance, which are the amounts for burlap containers. Here we know why the Federation refuses to send the statement to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

A clear case, but unfortunately the federation is trying to escape and delay the examination of this case, but now the situation has changed and in the testimonies the truth will come out… The corruption prosecution pursues corruption everywhere and will discover the truth about this money, where it went and who participated in this crime.

We will come back..

I refuse to stop this file and this dangerous file, with all due respect to all honorable people, but I do not believe that there is a virtuous person who protects corruption and refuses to raise an issue of corruption that deserves to be denounced and punished.

The closest thing is that these corrupt people openly defy the law and refuse to submit to prosecution, and they insist on defying the law, when they do not know that there is anything wrong with the law, and we are betting on the integrity of the judicial authorities.

People have been looting and stealing since the days of the CICAF Junior Championship in Sudan, and they are still not satisfied…

The latest news… a nice proposal from the media brother, Mr. Abdul Majid Muhammad Al-Amin, who said… that the truth will not be lost, even after a while.

I hope that the case will be submitted to the Attorney General of the Republic of Sudan, Maulana Tayfour….

After the issue became a matter of public opinion…

Dear God


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