Will Shindi implement a housing plan for the dead?!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine See More

Before you rub your eyes to check if the title of this article is like that or if it contains a mistake, let us say that the title is correct and the dead have the right to have a housing plan just as living humans have the right to a housing plan and it is supported by services such as water, electricity and other services.

And Shendi, whose city squares reached more than 40 squares and extended and merged with many villages or rural areas, whether to the north of Shendi, such as Shaqalwa Sardiyya and Al-Musikatab, and to the south with Qlayaat, it is the duty of these dead for the local authorities to look at them to the same extent as they look at the living who flock to the locality. Demanding their rights to services, the dead also have rights, just as the living have rights, and the living themselves will be among them. the dead tomorrow or the day after, and just as these living seek to obtain plots of land for their children and grandchildren, it is more important that they should strive to find land for themselves and for their neighbors, for those passing through, their guests, and those who come to them whose life ends at Shendi, it is the duty of these and the other inhabitants of the city to cover and bury them, and this is part of the honor of the dead.

The living seek help from the homes of their siblings or neighbors on special occasions or when there are more guests than the house can accommodate, but the dead do not have access to such a service as it is exclusive to the living.

If the locality has implemented many housing schemes to give living people ownership of residential land, then those deceased people have the right to have a housing scheme established to accommodate the large number of living people who come to their homes.

As the city expanded and its squares exceeded more than forty squares, the cemeteries of the city from before independence until today are one and have started to expand naturally without the administrative unit of the city intervening against it, nor intervening to suppress this expansion, which in its customary sense is an illegal extension and must be suppressed.

The municipal unit and the locality authorities must designate new cemeteries, whether they are east of Challenge Road or in any other place than the one that currently exists, known as the Wad Amran cemeteries, which are surrounded by residents from the north and west and surrounded by new markets such as the corn market, the transit market and the land port on the one hand and almost joins the Challenge Road from the south.

If the names of the cemeteries are attributed to certain individuals or sheikhs, such as Ahmed Sharafi, Al-Bakri, Hamad Al-Nil and Farouk, as in Khartoum, Wad Amran, Wad Al-Rahiu in Al-Qulaya and Al-Shih Banga in Al-Hosh, as in Shendi, the proposed name for the new cemeteries is (Al-Karama) Cemeteries in commemoration of the Battle of Al-Karamah, in which the army repelled the brutal aggression against Sudan.

If the authorities are in Shendi

He strives with all he can to provide services to his citizens while they are alive. It is obligatory to provide services to them while they are dead, to honor their homes and to expand their access. To God we belong and to Him we shall return.

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