Will the African Union succeed in laying the foundations for Sudanese dialogue to end the war – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

The African Union remains one of the most important institutions on the African continent that works to consolidate the foundations of peace, facilitate political, social and economic integration… and strengthen Africa's positions on common issues that concern the peoples of the region… and bring them peace, security and comfort, and support the realization of democracy.

Sudan is considered one of the founding countries of the African Union in 1963. At that time, it was called the Organization of African Unity after the majority of African countries gained their independence. It was later renamed the African Union in 2001 at the Sirte Summit in Libya. This gives Sudan a significant and important weight. During its contribution to this historical development of the Union, it required special attention to the issue of war within it, which had major security, political, humanitarian and economic repercussions, as it became a threat to the unity of nationalism, its political and social entity and its economic resources.

It is therefore important that the African Union mobilizes with all its political, humanitarian and economic mechanisms to be present on the Sudanese scene in order to end this war that broke out on April 15 last year… and the need to support Sudan through renewed calls at the local, regional and international levels on the need to stop the war… in addition to the importance of bringing African countries and the world out of neutrality… towards this war… in which there is no equality between the national army and the rebel forces against it, according to the official media of the Sudanese army and government.

In this context, the Union called for the holding, on July 10 in Addis Ababa, of a preparatory conference for the Sudanese political dialogue, which will continue until July 15, in the presence of a number of political forces, led by the Democratic Party. Bloc, civilians and civil forces, and representatives of youth, women and civil society organizations, in light of the boycott of the Coordination of Civilian Forces (Taqaddum), affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces, through its veiled support after the signing of the agreement. a political declaration of support for these forces in Addis Ababa in January this year … which sought to dominate among the participants, despite the clarifications of the African Union that the conference was aimed at establishing a method and parameters for the conference. dialogue, it has nothing to do with voting on any of the issues, so there is a desire for partisan domination.

According to observers, a number of topics were approved for discussion in order to reach a consensus on them, thus allowing a serious dialogue between the Sudanese parties, which would allow the development of an agreed roadmap to stop the war and shape the characteristics of the next day. During this, it emerged that the participants agreed on three fundamental axes, including:

First: Determine who are the participants in the Sudanese-Sudanese political dialogue.

Second: identify the fundamental issues of dialogue on which agreement is necessary to emerge from the crisis

Third: The place and time of the dialogue… given that the political forces agree that the place of the dialogue will be inside the country… and that its duration will not exceed the beginning of next month… under the auspices of the African Union and the international community as facilitators and guarantors of the implementation of what will be agreed… This arrangement, then proceeded accordingly will close the door to political gains and impose on the country the foreign agendas sought by certain parties.

On the other hand, a number of observers believe that the conference represents a good opportunity to stop the war, get out of the political crisis and bring about a positive transformation that can be built on in the future. The presence of the conference participants in a national committee headed by Ambassador Noureddine Satti was seen as a source of hope to overcome the bottlenecks that were present. He spoke from time to time when some leaders were introduced. Ambassador Satti is known to have well-known national positions. enjoys a certain neutrality. Although he is affiliated with a progressive group, this does not prevent him from being part of the national and professional skills. Likewise, its agreed committee is considered among the national figures acceptable to all parties… which includes Sultan Siddiq Wadaa, Professor Magda Awad Khojali, Pastor Ezz El-Din Al-Tayeb and Professor Youssef Abdullah Karbino… who were entrusted with the task of organizing the conduct of the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, in addition to describing the role of the international community in the means of establishing peace and its mechanisms, its relief work and humanitarian aid.

After the end of the deliberations of the committees on the proposed axes, the committee will submit the recommendations agreed between the participants to the African high-level committee on the Sudanese crisis. After that, it will become possible to move forward in drawing up a road plan for the future of the political process in Sudan, which should be preceded by the approval of the Jeddah agreement, which the army considers as the basis for proceeding with security arrangements, as specified in the agreement: the withdrawal of the rapid support forces. civilian property and citizens' homes and their gathering in camps outside the state of Khartoum.

The success of the political forces gathered today in Addis Ababa to develop a road map for the Sudanese-Sudanese national dialogue does not exclude anyone… allows the African Union to support this effort far from international or regional pressures… in order to establish a lasting and durable peace… preceded by security arrangements… and then, to end the war, which has become restrictive, a large number of Sudanese, whose security, livelihoods and national units have been affected by this war, we look forward to it.

May you always be well..

13/July/2024. (email protected)

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