Woman Worries About Janjaweed Tails – Balancing – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

For more than three days, the militia media and their cronies, owners of the news platforms and websites, remained unreliable and accustomed to lies and fabrication. They continued to chant, shout and howl like wolves for nothing other than the arrival of the Sudanese singer, supporting the Sudanese army, Nada Al-Qalaa, in the city of Port Sudan, and her reception there by Sudanese crowds in a manner befitting her status and honorable positions for every Sudanese woman.

Nada Al-Qalaa sang for the Sudanese army after she arrived in Port Sudan, and the people there welcomed her because she is a woman who glorifies those who fight and combat the rapists of Sudanese women, who remove their jewelry from their hands and necks, and even enter their kitchens to take food, and negotiate with some of them for their honor with money…

These rooms and sites have been in a state of screaming and lamentation since the arrival of this singer. They violated all the limits and allowed all those who are deprived of the law and religion. Some slandered her with what was not in them and tried with all their might. This could distort the reputation of a woman who said, when she was informed that her house had been burned by thugs, that my house was a sacrifice for this Sudan. Then she announced that she was abstaining and stopping singing, it is only for the army. and in front of the army, and this is a position that she still adheres to today, as well as her commitment to sing in front of the general command on the day of announcing victory and the expulsion of the oppressors…

There is no reason for this campaign other than the fact that Nada Al-Qalaa stood where everyone should stand, and that it announced from the first moment its bias towards the army and the nation that this army represents, and that it is neither obliged nor committed to any other position, whether others are pleased or angry.

She is a woman and an example of the women of this country who were targeted by the invaders for their honor above all. She alone was able to occupy the rooms of the invaders and their supporters for several days. their situation if the voice of all the women of Sudan, oppressed, to oppress the Hanjaweed and their cronies was heard while they were suffering and dying oppressed and unjustly in the villages attacked by thugs, on the roads of displacement and in the shelters where they were? forced to live there after the usurpation of everything??

Sudanese women will continue to respect their alliance, fighting alongside men with enthusiastic words and songs, just like Al-Falatiah and before them Mahira, Shagbah, Bakra, Rabha and others. The men sitting behind will continue to guard the kitchens, knowing. nothing but demotivation and harm to any honorable person. The old sayings will continue to apply: the dog howls and the camel with its head raised, goes where it wants.

May God help everyone

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