Words (for those who understand them) – The Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 Well, the Sudanese government did not participate in the bombed and booby-trapped Geneva talks, even through a government delegation that included a number of ministers or leaders of the armed forces, because the talks detailed support for the militias and the Sudanese-so-called civilian forces (insolence and progress). The US government, led by Biden, has two months left and an electoral phase begins and is therefore looking for an achievement that will support its electoral position. As a result, his administration has lost its authority.

0 If the leaders of the armed forces were to participate in the Geneva talks, they would probably give the militia a legitimacy that it does not deserve, and participating would mean putting pressure on the army and it would come out the loser because the majority is against it.

America, after the experiences of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, cannot impose military intervention under clauses seven or ten, and there is no UN resolution in the Security Council due to the division within the Biden administration. Therefore, there will be no military intervention. and do not be sad. In short, America is a liar.

0 I read a statement on the Arab satellite channels by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, saying that efforts are underway to form a government to manage the transitional period in Sudan. In my opinion, now is not the right time to form a new government so as not to return to square one, to the party quotas, to the share of signatories in Juba, to the joint forces, etc. Maintaining this government until the end of the war is the best solution, after which we will go to the polls.

Deputy Chairman of the Sovereign Council, Commander Malik Aqar, praised the work and continuous efforts of the Federal Minister of Youth and Sports, Professor Hazar Abdel Rasoul. His Excellency adopted the major sporting event organized by the athletes on August 20 in support of the armed forces in the Battle of Karama. Minister Hazar deserves recognition and honor for the tireless patriotic work she does.

0 I will push and insist on normalization with Russia, China, Iran and Turkey to see what the Americans and Israel will do, and I hope we will also normalize with North Korea.

0 The customs director in charge issued a decision to implement the IM certificate system in Halfa's customs warehouses. This prompted the loyalists to go on a general strike, causing a complete paralysis of work. It is known that the citizens of Halfa live off trade and customs clearance, and therefore it was necessary to deal with them in the spirit of the law and not in the text of a solution to the problems with all deliberation and wisdom.

0 The Northern State in the locality of Dongola organizes this morning the Great March in support of the armed forces in the Battle of Dignity and against participation in the Geneva talks, at the Grand Market. Mr. Al-Baqir Okasha, Acting Minister of Culture and Information, called on the local masses and other neighboring localities to participate in this national work.

0 Is the rumour true that there is a police officer in the police force who holds passports from three countries and holds a sensitive position?

0 Why are the prices of medicines increasing every day when medicines are exempt from customs? This war has shown many crises among merchants. !!

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up..

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. I swear there is no intention behind this.

The article has been published Words (for those who understand them) – The Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq First on Zoll net.

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