Workers of the National Medical Supplies Fund deserve praise – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid
The National Medical Supplies Fund is a building that everyone knows for the great services it provides to these people in times of peace and war. Through the performances it achieves, it contributes to achieving pharmaceutical safety, which has attracted the attention of the State. its strategic importance has garnered praise and appreciation from different sectors of society and state leaders.
After the outbreak of this war, this strategic installation was targeted by the Rapid Support militia, who invaded the Khartoum site, burned its stores, looted its medicines and destroyed many of its offices, furniture, equipment and equipment. One of the advantages and positive points is that the Fund has established its branches in the states.
(Rotating Medicine), which was established by the late Dr. Mandour Al-Mahdi when he took over the management of this establishment, which has now played an effective role during the period of this war by providing medicines and supplies medical services to various states. who helped fill the shortage of medicines in the country through the efforts of Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim, Director General of Medical Supplies Dr. Badr al-Din al-Jazouli and some of between them. workers who continue their work in the branches of the Fund in the states to discharge the burden of storage and distribution of medicines, which has resulted in the provision of medicines of all kinds at low prices, within reach of the exorbitant price of medicines in the country.
Medical supplies, as a public sector, are the only recourse citizens resort to in purchasing their medicines, as they provide them at affordable prices considering the insane rise in medicine prices, especially for chronic diseases that require constant treatment and which are provided by medical supplies in pharmacies in the capital and states.
Despite the deliberate sabotage that medical supplies faced during the war launched by the Rapid Support Militia and its mercenaries, which resulted in heavy losses represented by the theft and destruction of equipment, devices and medicines, this did not deter his determination to continue his efforts and his pioneering role in serving the citizens by providing medicines and medical supplies in the harsh conditions of war.
With the great role played by the workers of this service establishment, he deserved praise, appreciation and the Medal of Merit.