Workshop on education issues in North Kordofan, the absence of the most important document – ✴️ Another angle ✴️ – ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abdel-Rahman Al-Imam

This war is considered one of the worst crises ever to hit the Sudanese people, who have been directly affected in all aspects of their lives, and all have paid the price. Despite all the daily bitterness and tragedy, this war gave. We had the opportunity to evaluate, confirm and review things. The educational process stopped and the resulting negative effects. We felt it and felt it through our children themselves, and it made us understand the great role that educational institutions play in terms of teaching. , education, formulation and monitoring.

More than the family itself, we knew the extent of the considerable efforts and role that teachers play in the care, guidance and evaluation of pupils and students.

This war brought a painful reality for students: displacement, homelessness, begging, hunger and disease.

Dropping out of school, child labor, underage marriage, psychological complexes, social problems, behavioral deviations, refusal to study due to insecurity or change in financial conditions of families and life difficulties.

The documents discussed at this workshop revealed the extent of the great material and moral damage caused by the rebel forces to the educational infrastructure of the State, directly or indirectly, and the removal of most of the localities of the State from the map of state services, considered important. in the decision to return to school. Perhaps one of the highlights of this workshop is the private education initiatives aimed at contributing to the normalization of life by taking up the educational process and the state government's drive to take it forward. Successful initiation and continuation of the educational process requires cooperation and integration between efforts. in terms of infrastructure and human elements, including students, teachers, technicians and staff, especially students and young students, and here the role of the Department of Psychological Support and Guidance is to draw a roadmap and to coordinate with mental health associations, consultants, educators, Ministry of Social Protection and organizations working in the field of childhood and education, we propose to the Ministry of Education to organize a specialized workshop on this topic and to provide practical recommendations on how to provide psychological and social support. advice to these students. In conclusion, returning to study in these circumstances is not easy, but it is not difficult if we deviate from the norm in our thinking.

The State Government, represented by the Department of Education, Community and Media, is partnering in making this milestone a success.

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