World Health Organization Director: Sudan needs urgent aid for 14.7 billion people, at a cost of more than $2.7 trillion. He repeated his appeal three times: “Peace is the cure.”

D. Tadros: The ongoing war has left more than 20,000 dead and 100 attacks on health personnel.

Director of the Organization: Calls for an immediate halt to fighting and the activation of response and investigation teams to combat outbreaks.

Federal Minister of Health: She shed light on the health situation in the country.

World Health Organization Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom

The health situation is sad, and he is saddened by the state of displacement that Sudan is in, and by the fact that it is the largest displacement problem in the world, as the number of displaced people has reached more than ten million displaced people and more than two million refugees in neighboring countries. He concluded the sentence and repeated it three times: “Peace is the medicine.”

Stressing that his visit to Sudan follows the Sudanese Ministry of Health's continued calls to take urgent action and mobilize support and resources to address the humanitarian and medical crisis that Sudan is witnessing due to the ongoing war, which has left more than 20 thousand dead and more than 100 attacks on health personnel, he added. The failure to ensure the necessary standards to provide humanitarian assistance to 25 million people in need of food and medicine, who represent more than half of Sudan's population, has led to the exacerbation of this disaster. He went on to say that Sudan needs urgent assistance for 14.7 billion people, at a cost of more than $2.7 trillion, and we call on the world to increase aid to Sudan, he added. that the health system has collapsed and 70 to 80 percent of its health institutions are not functioning.

The head of the World Health Organization said Sunday at a press conference held in the lobby of the Social Security Hotel in Port Sudan that incidents of conflict-related sexual violence have been reported in Sudan, calling for an immediate cessation of fighting and the activation of medical response and investigation teams to combat epidemics and diseases.

Tadros said his visit to Sudan called for urgent measures to mobilize support and resources to address the humanitarian crisis Sudan is witnessing, strongly condemning the violations of citizens occurring on the ground.

Dr. Tadros pointed out that the organization delivered 92 tons of medical aid to the country five days after the opening of the Adre border crossing with the State of Chad, noting that humanitarian aid must be delivered through the city of Port Sudan, and added that the international community must know the scale of the disaster that has struck Sudan as a result of the war and what it is going through: a collapse of the health system and the largest wave of displacement in the world.

For his part, Minister of Health Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim said that the visit of the director of the World Health Organization highlighted the health situation in Sudan, noting that the health system in Sudan following the militia war led to the cessation of health services in areas controlled by the Rapid Support and the stopping of medical personnel due to violations.

In the same context, the Director of the Eastern Mediterranean Region (AMRO), Dr. Hanan Balkhi said that the health system is facing great challenges, noting that the Sudanese problem should remind people in international forums to contribute to the reconstruction of Sudan and its health institutions.

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