World Hypertension Day, a journey towards longer health – something for the motherland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

World Hypertension Day falls on May 17 each year, bringing with it a message calling for life and a cry warning of imminent danger threatening the health of millions of people around the world.

High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer.” It is a hidden enemy that does not show obvious symptoms, but hides behind it enormous risks that can cost the lives of those it neglects. This World Day highlights the importance of raising it. awareness about high blood pressure and how to prevent and control it.

High blood pressure is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

When blood pressure rises, it puts strain on the heart and blood vessels, causing long-term damage.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to serious complications, such as heart attack, which occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle stops, stroke, which occurs when blood flow to part of the brain stops. stops, and renal failure, when the kidneys lose volume. their ability to filter waste and loss of vision. High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the eyes, which can lead to vision loss.

World Hypertension Day 2024 focuses on three main messages: measuring blood pressure accurately, using a certified and regularly monitored blood pressure monitor, controlling blood pressure, by adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking medication in case of need, and live longer, so that it is possible to control it. High blood pressure reduces the risk of chronic diseases and helps you live a longer, healthier life.

There are many ways to participate in this international day, by measuring your blood pressure, measuring your blood pressure at home, in a health center, or at the pharmacy located under your residence, while raising awareness, so talk about it to your family. and friends on the dangers of high blood pressure and the importance of controlling it. And support organizations focused on raising awareness and prevention of high blood pressure while adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthily, exercising regularly, maintaining good health. weight, reduce stress and quit smoking.

Together, we can fight high blood pressure, keep our hearts and blood vessels healthy, and improve our chances of living longer, happier lives.

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