Yes, it's been 500 days, Mansoura – the face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

500 days, O Mansoura, where the political leaders who sacrificed themselves for the sake of the nation and the people think that this is not what the man in the street thinks. The man in the street thinks that this is an experience full of disappointment for those who. he thought they were people of experience, knowledge and wisdom, because he was looking forward to a free, safe and secure homeland that they would lead by delegating it to them. So, in most cases, he delegates his affairs to God and waits for God's decrees and. wisdom… as you did according to a publication published in your name in the Al-Shaab electronic newspaper… published today… even if the educated politician who leads the largest independence party necessarily has different calculations… it is 500 days that would not have been a war without his incapacity and the blocking of his horizons, whatever the excuses. 500 days were his opportunity.. through which he showcased his success, competence and political commitment. professional presence and improved the leadership of the simple people of his people who trusted him.. 500 days.. he should have reflected, reviewed, apologized and started positive action for the good of those he was crying for them if he was sincere. . and he had little conscience or wisdom… in fact it is 500… as I said… (The harvest of death, forest fires and gourd… 500 days of:

– Random and brutal murder.

– Destruction of buildings and valuables.

– Destruction of state institutions and systems.

– Violation of honor and loss of morals.

– Arrests and torture without law or reason.

– Stealing people's property and losing their savings.

– ⁠Dispersed families and pain.

– Oppression and repression.

– Widespread unemployment, unemployment, poverty and disability.

– Fighting inside cities, bombings, terror and fear prevailing.

– Closure of schools and hospitals.

– Lack of basic services.

– Hatred and hatred between citizens.

– Loss of dignity and suffering of humiliation in countries of asylum.

– The Sudanese lose the ability to manage their affairs; He decides their affairs, whether small or large, whether they are nations or individuals.

*The country's lack of grandeur..*

Nobody cares about the dignity of men and the unity of the land…).

Yes, it has been 500 days that we have lived with all its pain, deprivation and blood. It represents those choices that you have made without blinking an eyelid or awakening your conscience. But unfortunately, these were not advanced options, but rather they were the options of those who could not tolerate dialogue and be patient with him.. 500 days later… You have realized that he has passed and continues until this moment with his packages and his calendar and does not care about anyone… If an old man, child or woman is killed without sin… Now what will you do… Are you satisfied with praying… Please leave the prayers for us, the simple people of Sudan, who have been embraced in exile in humiliation and injustice after If our homes are narrow for us despite their space… and our souls are narrow for us… O Mansoura, the people of Sudan are now bleeding blood every morning, enduring pain and yearning for security and peace. As for you politicians, with all your colors, affiliations and orientations, we have taken away our mandate from you and removed you from our hearts after your failure. We have lost hope in your efforts for us. reform or reconciliation through you… after you have mortgaged our will and mortgaged our homeland and you are still doing it… until the decision to stop the war is not in the hands of any of you.. Now taste the ambitions of the unconsciously ambitious. … when this speaker took the floor and said: We are intervening in Sudan because it is a preventive measure so that the Arab Spring does not overwhelm us. They are not waiting for change to come suddenly, but they are proceeding to dry up its sources. Or, as she said, it means that they realize that this is a legitimate action and consistent with their strategy. So where is your strategy, politicians? Their strategy has been successful to some extent because they have managed to persuade our elites to implement it. …but your strategy is a failure…because you are a failed political elite that has failed to protect its people from war…you have failed to create a national strategy that protects the country from drifting towards polarization and a detestable war. …and the result is the people. Now they are paying a very high bill. We, Mansoura, are paying with our lives, our security, our present and our future. However, your conscience, you politicians, is still below the catastrophe and without the challenge. After all these losses, you come upon us with a count of days and pains without specifying who is responsible for these pains that we are experiencing… Exile, in the midst of darkness, and. rains of bullets every hour and every moment.. and you do not experience it.. We were waiting for the return of the conscience that the leaders know in such circumstances.. We were waiting for the statement of the wise man who moves Sudan forward and rises above narrow partisan affiliations.. If the Imam and his companions, may God have mercy on him.. To do it with dignity and pride, without calculations.. Just for the good of the country and the Sudanese people.. This is the face of the truth.. So what are you doing.. History is written and people are waiting.

May you always be well..

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