You… don't start! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

He is an army that does not give up, a phrase that the owner of the Air Estate once said to him in a statement, and perhaps he was honest in what he said because 'he fought the armed forces for many years and knew exactly the capabilities. of the Sudanese army, and perhaps the armed movements know it too. Among them there were those who spoke out, and among them there were those who were convinced and engaged in the fight alongside those who were.
The truth is that the armed forces, throughout their long history, have proven themselves worthy of preserving the prestige of this country when adversity attacks them, and they have demonstrated their valor and heroism in demonstration of their work. of 30,000 fighters neutralize a force of 120,000 fighters and curb it on the morning of the first spark that disaster and suspicion trigger, will he eliminate this army within a few hours and install himself as president of this country through the Kingdom of Al-? Dalqo, with its active ant servants. The dirty jartaq makes them look like the genitive and the genitive noun the genitive of (Adnenim)!
The shock approach against the militias, with which the armed forces began to bomb the militia camps in Khartoum and some of their gathering places, and the sudden disappearance of their leader without the knowledge of his soldiers until now , had a great impact on the dispersion of thoughts. and, surprising them, they entered citizens' homes for shelter, and instead of one force with unified command, their leadership groups scattered. Every day, they recklessly enter an area and invade it, causing citizens to flee. and take refuge in areas controlled by the army. The Sudanese, and this is a turning point that has made them unacceptable except among the weak souls and those who frequent prisons and transparency. Perhaps this turning point was a gain for the Sudanese army and gave rise to a large rally of support for the armed forces.
Perhaps there is a big difference between the armed forces and the militia, which is the academic and military scientific difference that the officers and non-commissioned officers of the armed forces have studied, and between the alphabetical, religious and military illiteracy with which the militia can This difference favors the educated and overthrows the illiterate. The second problem is the combat doctrine of the armed forces which fights with the doctrine of preserving the homeland and preserving its honor, and the militia fights for spoils, not for spoils. army, but of what the citizens have, and the proof is that they enter the houses of the citizens and plunder everything they weigh. It was expensive and the rest of the furniture was under contract with (Al-Shafshafah).
From my rostrum, I look… where I see… that what the armed forces have done in this war imposed on them and their country is a modern military science, new and distinguished in military sciences, and it will be a huge encyclopedia. for students of military colleges in the future, and military colleges in other countries will even benefit, so it is an army, as the saying goes: (The spots on it do not smile) (And the person miserable and content is. not one of the inhabitants of the ground… he will come to trample them).