You sent me my messages and the messages I have are Sheila… Sheila!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

The phone call that took place between Al-Burhan and Bin Zayed, and even though it was the first trend yesterday, and I think it was long, what happened in it is known only to the two of them, despite its official disclosure, but it certainly contained important topics, texts and footnotes. Everything mentioned in the book revealing its depth is just an analysis, conjecture and reading for the cover only and research on the meaning and connotations of the title!

Let everyone know that the UAE and the countries that helped and supported the rebellion have lost the bet and the result is like someone blowing on a corked water bottle! The UAE continues to support the rebellion and continues to support the militia leaders and leaders of their political wing, plan for them and provide them with illegal money.

The armed forces have made great progress in combat and on the ground, militarily for those in control, and the militia has managed to disperse in the areas, but in vain and without achieving military stability. In other words, it has entered several cities, but its stay in these cities is like a rooster sleeping on a rope. It has no space to think except to think. How does it manage its fear of the strong counterattacks of the armed forces?

The condition of the militias is now to disperse, to quarrel in words, and then to clash among themselves, as happened yesterday in some regions, which was preceded by exchanges between different leaders among themselves, indicating that history has “unraveled”! Between them, it is an indication of the state of weakness and the absence of a unified leadership that can be heard and its instructions implemented.

So far, we cannot be sure, since there is a clear political horizon in which we see the white thread of a political vision to resolve the Sudanese crisis. All that has happened is nothing but fabricated conferences whose heroes are personalities recycled every time, conferences whose results are written before they take place, and they are applauded, accepted and signed by those who have deep pockets, and perhaps we know, in politics and among politicians, the true meaning of “laughter” that makes them laugh, makes them print their ten fingers, and makes the vast majority of the Sudanese people cry because of them.

From my platform, I watch… As I see it… there is no point in making useless calls and calls that do not stop supporting those who ruined the country and turned it into a barren desert, displaced its people and populated their homes. The leaders must not be drawn in. The political turn in which the poison is spreading. Those who support must be arrested and prosecuted legally and internationally as well as those who betrayed them. We must not describe him as a patriot and be persecuted. Patriots are those who wore khaki and were thwarted. ideas, determination and courage, the greatest plan to destroy and fragment this country. Patriots are those who supported and gave their lives and treasures to support their armed forces and support them. There is nothing good in the Emirates after what you have done. . May the words of the leaders be Lud Zayed: You sent me my letters… . And the letters I have are Sheila… Sheila!! And the pictures too! Greetings to you, my teacher and friend Halawi.

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