You, when you destroyed your life in this city!!!! It would have been destroyed in any other city.. ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

Since the invention of fire and the arrival of the Internet, science and technology have contributed to the change and development of the world, and knowledge has become accessible to everyone and in all the languages ​​of the world, at almost no cost. , compared to the prices of books and paper volumes, which were the only way for teachers, professors, researchers and students of science, including academics and intellectuals.

It is no secret to us that the rapid development taking place in the world around us is one of its most important causes (science)…

Many countries and societies around us have become convinced that there is no good, development, prosperity and social peace without knowledge, so they have spent on it and given it as a gift to those who do not fear poverty, in Japan and Korea. , Singapore are examples, and finally Malaysia which does not have 1% of the resources available to our country (which is rich in human and material resources), which would place us among the world’s countries. ..

If real plans and strategies are made for the development of education, far from a temporary political gain, with an integrated and extensive work program, through which the Sudanese human minds of today and the immigrants who are cluttered by scientific fields and who have not had the chance to contribute at national level to the process of development and construction of which only its name remains, which politicians and decision-makers repeat, like a crossing of eras successive ones from which we have only reaped misery, destruction and bad luck.

When we neglected education and its development, qualitative and not quantitative, we opened for ourselves and for our country the doors of successive torments, which will only end and end (with the reform and improvement of education). education)… and

The battles that we are currently fighting and in which we are still losing the best of our youth, young and conscious, are a choice among the choice of the people of the country and its elites, as happened in the southern war. they are the ones who excelled morally and scientifically according to “circumstances and data in which there was no education.” In its current form, he is the only one to have shaped, written and traced the path to this distinction for them. and jealousy for the homeland and its inhabitants. However, there are other data that contributed to the formation, success and construction of their personality. » (the tribe of teachers and those interested in specialized research in educational development), and he ignores them. Politicians and ordinary people attribute it to the success of current education, with its crumbling curricula and absent methods, and its environment that is not suitable for the man of the third millennium.

Current education, gentlemen, (public and private) and despite the efforts of those who are responsible for it, including distinguished scholars, competent professors and enlightened administrations, we do not doubt their scientific and intellectual value, and they, like us, realize the magnitude of the calamity, but they lack and do not have the political decision that leads to making a historic decision regarding (education and its development, our most important demand) and then we move towards what is important.

However, the politicians of our African and Arab societies put education in the background of their objectives, for fear of poverty due to expenses, of which they devote a large part to weapons, forgetting that the weapon of knowledge will lead you to achieve all the objectives. “weapons” that they, their countries and their people lack, starting with food, including social peace, and even the conquest of space…

The fiercest battles are those against ignorance, backwardness and disease, and if you do not put effort into them, you will spend day and night until God inherits the earth and those who are there…

The development of education, and its horizontal and vertical expansion, begins with societal responsibility, before the responsibility of States, by activating the role of houses of experts specialized in the presentation and dissemination of ideas and research with the participation and invitation of officials and appropriation of the information of these researches and projects for the media so that they receive a wide participation, as feedback, enrichment, revision and possibility of participation of wide sectors of specialists in the fields of psychology, counseling, medicine, law, aid organizations. talented people, inventors… and others…

Then, after agreeing on a common vision, a national project is created, codified and selected, which is presented to the state for approval and support as a goal that cannot be rejected or abandoned, because it represents the depth and spearhead of the emergency. we must build a post-war Sudan.

When we (politicians, citizens and institutions) have contributed to educational failure, we have contributed to the decline of desired levels of development.

Academic failure, as defined by specialists, is the inability to achieve the objectives set by the education system, which means that the learner leaves school without acquiring the minimum amount of information, knowledge, skills and values ​​that the education system has defined and translated into delivery. of certificates. This is called dropping out of school.

What we have suffered from in past eras of history has neglected the fundamental purpose of education:

(prepare a person for life) and replace it with (prepare a person for exams),,

Values, skills and abilities have declined, and even this knowledge has not lasted much due to the vast difference between when we study it, and it is not without elements, and while we apply it in reality, which requires personal success according to the standards of the labor market, in which global competition has become beyond theory. It depends on languages, communication skills, technology and production rates.

My message: I would like us to realize that our moral responsibility requires that we all strive and raise our thoughts, our efforts and our eagerness to change all the data that has led us to where we are… through the door to education, which is the shortest path to moral elevation, scientific and technological development, production… and social reconciliation.

Instead of disagreements, wars, fighting and displacement…

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